I'm just gonna go straight to the point here does being attracted to someone of the same sex but only in a sexual way and being attracted to someone of the opposite sex(both sexually and romantically) mean that you're bi or is it just hormones and you're straight??

No one could answer that better than yourself! Take time to know yourself better and to understand who you really are attracted to! And remember that it’s okay no matter how much time it takes and even if you realize the label you ‘found’ and associated with first changes. That being said, what you described sounds roughly like heteroromantic bisexual. It could or could not be that so I suggest looking it up some more and familiarizing yourself with different labels that exist so you can find the one that fits you more~
Oh and I think you’d get better understanding if you chat with lgbt people rather than just looking it up on google, if you’re on Facebook there are many groups that could help!

Also here’s a link to check what I mentioned https://lgbta.wikia.org/wiki/Heteroromantic_Bisexual
Hi y'all. Please recommend something with enemies to lovers something like Basara. Can be historical or modern times. Also recs for age gap relationships.
Basara was so good, can't really think of a similar one but maybe you'll like Red River ?
Hope you enjoy
Enemies to lovers
Age gap