Cristina January 31, 2018 12:57 am

What about Min ...

    Cristina January 31, 2018 1:47 am

    Nice art and the story had quite a lot of potential... but such a sudden turn and in such short time.
    It feels like the story was rushed and feels like there is no continuity to the character development and consequently to the story...
    Too many discrepances... didn't expect that...
    I feel like the manga was suddenly written by a student who at times was aiming for greatness and other times procrastinated too much and had to put something together and show for the exam

Cristina January 25, 2018 10:35 am

I can't even haha so funny
The wonders of the mind and body
One gets turned on by the voice the other by sign language

Cristina January 24, 2018 9:38 am

I just love how the MC is such a righterous character. Even though she broke the laptop she took responsibility... if he didn't finish the meal right as she gets home she is super understanding and treats him as a human being not like a slave gives him time off on weekend... of course she also doesn't give him more money than groceries needed but she is so very fair... Usually people act somewhere in between MC's personality and Taesoo 's ex...
Wish i had a boss and friends like her

Cristina January 23, 2018 10:52 pm

Imagine being traped every day in your house being sick...
Do you think your personality would be all cherful and selfless and you would wish your brother all the happiness in the world

Sickness messes up not only with your body, but once your body is weak your mind starts to get weak you have all sorts of distorted thoughts and is hard to figh all by yourself ... his parents don"t seem to talk to him he has no friends there is literally no one except yuzuru who tries to be there to talk to him to listen to understand him ...

Cristina January 9, 2018 11:55 pm

I think that maybe Yule's brother if he overcomes his mommy issues might be a caring and understanding lover for the poor kyung soo... because he needs someone with a little craziness attatched but someone who is truly empatic and can understand another person's needs and desires..
Or maybe they all just a bunch of psychos

Cristina January 5, 2018 7:07 pm

At least if they got to talk ... what kind of life was that always chasing one after the other but never getting to meet until it's too late? Who deserves such a fate... :( it's just so sad...

Cristina December 10, 2017 8:46 am

Hyung always had a tough time it seems ... He struggled and i guess it`s understandable he has issues to sort out and afterwards he will come out stronger... Eunho made such an impact that it helps him to change

Cristina December 2, 2017 11:44 pm

Why doesn't he escape... i mean he is kind of too adaptable to the situation... he is pissed off but by superficial things not the real stuff
I think he might actually still like him...

Cristina December 2, 2017 9:26 pm

Of course that I like Masato and of course there is a part of me who wants to see them together... but he kind of lost his chance... i both love and hate him... he should't have been a coward but i also understand how and why as most of us would be the same...
But still chika is trying his best he tries to move forward and masato thinks he can just but in like it's his right because he also likes Hotaka...
I don't think it's fair to chika ...
We all need a push sometimes to realise how strong our desires are and maybe chika puts all in motion once again
But hey If you didn't fight for what you want then don't cry for what you've lost...

Cristina December 2, 2017 2:38 pm

Fastest way to make the wall go away

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