First of all I am very grateful to the translator and please keep up the work and continue with it till the end. While it's true we should support the author and buy it but some of us are actually rather poor so we don't truly afford bying chapters or manga unfortunately. At least not at the moment. The story is nice to read, at least for me it tickles my curiosity as i always wonder what will happen next... maybe it's hard to imagine a relationship with such an age gap or that his love for the child might be due to melancoly but love is never perfect and it always starts somewhere... no matter how unusual of random it is as long as it's something you truly wish for i think is just fine... not all sorts of love start with a sparkle and continue with passion... or at least that is what i think at the moment... all in all, this is a manhwa so it shouldn't be taken as real story and judged by strict standards of fairness and morality imposed by society... (=・ω・=) good or bad i enjoy reading it and that is good enough for me...

I feel like in us people there is a darkness a part of us which some see and others are too busy living their everyday life and not truly getting to know themselves. And once we notice this darkness we start to really wonder about life about perspectives about morality what is right and wrong is there truly right and wrong or sometimes society inflicts it on us... in this case we could see Akio's darkness. His love for his brother his desire and lust for him. But also Motoharu's darkness who actually raised Akio in such a way that he would be exposed to him selling his body in him seeing his erotism and in making him think only about him. Being a forbiden fruit growing Akio's desire for him and captivating his heart mind and body. We all have darkness in ourselves i think or maybe i am wrong. But was Motoharu and Akio so wrong they found their acceptance their happiness in a weird way maybe but should we not fight for what we want? Should we just stop and be content with what society says it's normal just for the sake of being accepted by the social norms and being integrated... I am not saying what they did to one another was right but i wish I could find someone to accept my darkness and love every crack of me and not just hide my ugly thoughts due to fair of not being accepted... i don' t know i was just saying

That's funny how long people can talk about stories like that looking for deep shit hahah.

He inherited a lot from his mom, especially her determination and her beauty. Ican`t wai to know more about their family circumstances. It`s sad that due to certain circumstances he feels he wasn`t loved enough and that shows in his behaviour which proves how much a child`s upbringing affects his later development as a human being... Wonder why his parents split up.. it`s sad seeing his mom also struggle quite a lot..

It`s such a beautiful story. I like Myiabi`s courage. How despite everything he never gives up and does his own thing and stands prideful despite what others may think. It`s like a role model for those who were damaged by their parents circumstance and life.
And Takaba he can be so cool and level headed they are so right for each other. He is the one who can bring the light out of Myabi`s darkness. They undestand each others darkness and what can be more pure and beautiful then someone who can love every crack of you no matter how twisted and not just your happy and good stuff
So I saw for a few hours it was updated with chapter 19 and 20 and now i cannot find them... Can anyone explain to me what happened if you have more information on the subject? Thanks..