Just lovely and kind of nice how they aren't the typical seme-uke relationship... usually the seme is manly and depandable while indeed youjin is very dependable he is also cute
The uke is lewd but he embraces that side and keeps being strong and holds his own opinions and can be quite mature at times even though he has a playful side
Usually the seme has someone he cannot forget and the uke keeps trying to be around the seme
But here i like how the uke has an unforgetable lover whose memory holds dear and doesn't let himself easily be persuaded by the seme

I think Yamoto is less innocent and more devil like then Kotaro really thinks...
Hmm what will be... great potential but i bet it will end up a cheesy plot line..

Okay but kings maker had me feeling really strongly. I read it all in one sitting and I felt so repulsed and my stomach was churning. I cried I got upset and I felt disgusted even 30 minutes after I stopped reading. It takes an amazing author to make someone feel that way.
However after that I definitely need some cute fluffy stories
( ̄∇ ̄")
This is exactly why third parties shouldn't get in between the decisions of a couple