I saw over at the ebookjapan website, there's an afterward (of 14 pages) entitled: The Pure Man: Sequel Jam by Natsuko Mushikai. I didnt buy it, but based on the reviews...Doesn't sound like it ends well. Looks like they're doomed.
Here's the link:
I just mean that I don't think they get 2 live happily ever after in the end.
I stopped reading like 30 chapters ago, and just reading the comments of all the current readers' suffering is enough 2 keep me entertained. It saves me a lot of trouble. I mean, the amount of frustration and angst readers endure while reading this manga is way worse than "Yours to Claim", and thats saying a lot. I'll come back to read it only when it's all over, and the damage is done.
Tone-deaf on all levels. Relationship if you wanna call it that, is forced (literally). And even when it's not, it still feels that way. Its hard 2 get past that. The story would have been so much better without the assault. The story with the wife is a bit all over the place. I still don't know why she needed that loan. The widow seems vacant in the personality department. He's sad, worn out, and appears exhausted all the time, which is 2 be expected given everything he's put through. But, on top of that, when he finally has a say in the relationship, he's a total pushover, or maybe he's got Stockholm syndrome, and therefore still as no choice...
Yakuza would be charming if he wasn't such an awful prick.
Omfg. U mean there's going 2 be a S4!?!?? Just put this manga and all the readers outta their misery already! SHEEEEEE-IT. I'm glad I stopped reading at ch50.