This manga tells the story of Hatshepsut, a woman who reigned successfully over Egypt for many years...
- Author: INUDOH Chie
- Genres: Drama / Historical / Romance / Seinen
In the novel, she became a villainess who died in the hands of her husband. To be precise, as a supp...
- Author: nyangiwa hyangshinlo , kitty and spices,siru
- Genres: Shoujo / Historical / Romance / Drama / Fantasy / webtoons
- Author: Usui mayo
- Genres: Josei / Smut / Office Workers / Romance Office Workers Romance
The romance between famous K-pop star Hoo Joon and his official anti-fan reporter Lee Geun-Young who...
- Author: Jaerim
- Genres: Comedy / Drama / Romance / Webtoons
- Author: 판타마니 (fantamani)
- Genres: Webtoons / Josei / Adult / Mature / Smut / Adaptation / Comedy / Fantasy / Fetish / Historical / Romance / Royalty Webtoons Webtoons Adaptation Comedy Fantasy Fetish Historical Romance Royalty
Compared to his genius older twin brother Jeong Jaeui, ex-soldier Jeong Taeui thought he was average...
- Author: Yuji ,Havana
- Genres: yaoi / smut / action / Drama / Webtoons
- Author: Siya 시야
- Genres: Webtoons / Josei / Violence / Fantasy / Historical / Martial Arts / Reincarnation / Romance Webtoons Webtoons Fantasy Historical Martial Arts Reincarnation Romance
His only purpose was to protect his master. And yet he was powerless to protect her. But fate has mo...
- Author: Ant Studio, Sosori
- Genres: Action / Adventure / Fantasy / Supernatural / Tragedy / Webtoons
Smuts with Plot & Consent
Will add-
Straight love
But no bl cause there is plenty bl's in this site already.
for the horny girls who like to imagine themselves having sex in the olden days
A ridiculous story about two presidents who have been married for seven years. In which, the one who...
- Author: 晋江文学城,绿野千鹤,原点格子漫画
- Genres: Chinese / Webtoons / Shounen ai / Drama / Office Workers / Romance Chinese Webtoons Drama Office Workers Romance
Yakou, a gentle human woman, works at a detective agency. The owner of the office, Mr. Tounome, is a...
- Author: iwatobi neko
- Genres: Shoujo / Romance / Comedy / Office Workers / Drama / Fantasy / Supernatural
- Author: 유미미,우쥬
- Genres: Webtoons / Shoujo / Action / Fantasy / Full Color / Historical / Martial Arts / Romance / Time Travel Webtoons Action Fantasy Full Color Historical Martial Arts Romance Time Travel
As the Kingdom of Elpasa fell before the blade of the Empire's greatest hero, in order to survi...
- Author: ma cherie,cierra
- Genres: Shoujo / Drama / Historical / Romance / webtoons
- Author: Shibatora
- Genres: Josei / Smut / Romance Romance
The war is over. The one who cut the neck of the Norkans' leader, who antagonized the great emp...
- Author: Mr.C,Mijoo
- Genres: Webtoons / Action / Fantasy / Romance / Smut