the best of friends always start with rivalry. reminds me of how my current longest best friend and i became friends to begin lmao.
started from verbal insults to physical fights and then having my mom making us share a single hotdog, split in 2 to get us to be friends.
i just gotta say. lee won keeps on getting prettier, esp after this incident mf receive a glow up alright
at least let him have his mom's talent for math, you gotta balance out the stupid please fargo
ooh god, I feel like hyesung's gonna get his heart broken once he finds out dojin and byul's been meeting his birth mother
oh god, I'm nervous for the next chapter, hope doc Dan and his granny's okay
wow you can say that to your uncle but not your face? mf you want to take his place instead???
that uncle better teach her a good lesson dude. dont fucking tell me he hasnt learned hiw own from kanna. istg dont let this happen to your niece as well
i just want to see haesoo and her new man fuck, just give us that as compensation for this chapter
those elderly predicted their future. a fucking waste. he wasted their time and her youth. he is a waste, literal trash.
so it ends it 45, and he still continues with the fashion show but its underwhelming as hell, but theyre still hapy anyway so theres that
man... my alarms are going off so bad even after seeing the raws, that top is just so sus
that escalated quick holy shit, but you go kanna.... seems like cycle's going to go the same way with the other young couple
ffs is there going to be another sex scene? i just want to see the goddamn show, and they throw it away that easily jfc
yeah just go full on sangwoo mode and kill urself jesus
i just want narita to ascend into godhood and make these yuri bitches' frontal lobes develop fully