*scene/emotion description*
*******BJ Alex logo *******
Ch 62
*panel of morning sunlight beaming through the window*
*panel of jiwon sleeping on the bed*
*jiwon wakes up and opens his eyes*
Jiwon: "Ah..."
*gets up*
"I'm thirsty..."
*gets off the bed and begins to walk over to get water*
*notices clothes on the floor*
Jiwon: "...!"
*begins to pick up a trail of clothes*
"Why did I undress like this?!"
*puts them in the washing machine*
*drinks water*
Jiwon: "Pwah.." (T/N: sfx of finishing the sip of water.)
*stares out into space*
*Sudden realization. Shudder, eyes widen*
*jiwon dashes back into the room*
*sees DG sleeping in his bed*
Jiwon thinking: *he's surprised and it finally hit him what happened last night* *blushing* '...That's right!!' 'Yesterday I confessed to Donggyun...'
*him slumped over on the wall*
'Why the hell did I do that?!'
*panel of him recalling himself confessing at the cafe*
'I just wanted to bring your umbrella.'
'I shouldn't have done that'
"I really told him" *still in disbelief*
'I don't know what to do now. If I didn't confess I would have been miserable'
'but if Namdonggyun rejected me it would have hurt even more. I don't even want to imagine it.'
*Jiwon walking out of the room trying to wrap his thoughts together*
"Shit...I'm still happy I did it though. I have to get out of here for a second" (T/N: as in just the room. he's going to just unwind his thoughts and get decent. lol)
*moments later*
*Panel of DG sleeping*
*DG slowly opens his eyes and wakes up*
*tosses over. still groggy.*
DG: "mmhm..."
*panel of them doing it ;) DG recalling it*
DG: "Ah... Yesterday..." *blushes*
*DG slowly realizes* (T/N: lol they're both suffering post-passionate-sex syndrome LOL)
DG thinking: 'No freaking way!' *grabs the pillow and hugs it. Restless*
'He confessed to me...'
'I wanted to do it... no matter what.'
*DG recalling kissing him in the cafe*
'so he really loves me..'
'Is this a dream?!'
DG: "Is this reality..."
* gets up from bed swiftly*
*pain from hips hit*
DG: "WOAH~!"
*jiwon drying his hair. Finished showering was in the living room*
Jiwon: "!"
*Jiwon enters the room in a hurry*
Jiwon: What happened?!"
DG thinking: *from the floor next to the bed* 'This pain is real..'
DG: "Hah...well my hips hurt.."
*DG looks at Jiwon*
*Jiwon looks at DG*
*they both advert their eyes in embarrasment*
DG and Jiwon thinking: 'This is awkward'
DG: "haha..G-good moring."
Jiwon: "ahem.."
*jiwon walks over to DG*
Jiwon: "Can you stand?"
DG:" Yeah. I can walk by myself."
"Uh, Sunbae... Where are my clothes?"
Jiwon: "Clothes?"
*Sudden realization that he threw DG's clothes in the wash as well*
*chibi gag form*
Jiwon: "Ah!"
"Your clothes are in the wash"
DG: "Everything?"
Jiwon: "Everything!"
DG: *covering himself* "Soo...what should i wear now?!
*end chibi form*
*Jiwon walks over to his closet*
Jiwon: "Go shower and I'll look for something and leave the clothes by the door"
DG: "Okay."
*They both sneak a glance at each other before DG goes off to shower. Blushing*
*panel of shower door*
*panel of clothes laid out for DG*
DG: "Ah.." *as he's putting on clothes. Panel shows him looking down*
*DG walks out only wearing the top part of the loungewear*
"The pants are too big for me..."
*zoom in onto DG's crotch area slightly exposed underwear*
"Do you have another pair of pants?"
Jiwon: *blushing. Gulp* "....."
"No, that's the smallest one"
DG: "Ah, okay. I'll just wear the top then"
Jiwon: "Mm." (T/N: a sound for okay)
Jiwon: "Do you want some...rice?"
DG: "Uh yeah? Sure."
*moments later*
*panel of empty plates*
DG: "Uwah..that was delicious"
"You're such a good cook!"
Jiwon: "It's just something simple"
*awkward silence*
DG: "So...what's am I going to do about my clothes?"
Jiwon: "it'll be awhile until the clothes dry."
DG: "Sunbae are you busy today?"
Jiwon: "No, I'm on break"
DG: "Then.."
*places his hands on the table and stands up. excited*
"Would it be okay if I stay here with you today?"
"There's a lot of things we didn't talk about for all this time."
"I wan't to talk with you about them!"
*DG brightening up. Excited like a puppy. lol*
Jiwon: "...!" *taken aback. embarrassed* "Eh?!"
*slumps down hiding his face* "...yeah whatever"
DG: "Really?!"
Jiwon thinking: 'he asks if we can just "talk"...' (T/N: just a passby statement. He was just thinking dirty lol)
I work overnights when chapters come out and it was a busy weekend at the hospital so I only got to translating just now.
I will try and translate every friday when it comes out, if not I'll get it out by sunday night (very late at night).
Wonder what they're going to talk about. Maybe finally we get some answers and developments on how their relationship is going to go about. :D
2019-02-08 15:49 marked

Ch 61 translation:
*scene/emotion description*
*panel of Jiwon's apartment complex with only his lights on*
*next panel showing them sloppily getting off their shoes in the hyeongwan* (T/N: genkan in japanese, it's the first area of the house where shoes are meant to be taken off before entering)
*panel showing Jiwon licking DG's lips and making out with him, zoomed in shot of their mouths*
*zoom out we see Jiwon wrapping his arms around DG's waist and head pulling him in and making out with him*
*next panel shows jiwon rubbing his leg on DG's crotch (T/N: still clothed XD)*
*they stop making out for a second and stare at each other. Each of them flushed red*
Jiwon: *looking at DG flushed red and sweatdrop* "Nam Donggyun..."
"Are you okay with this? Do you want to do this?"
DG: ".....!" *badump badump*
*puts his arms around Jiwon's neck and slightly collapses his head embarrased and brightening red and getting more flushed face*
"...Is there...a reason not to?" *Flares up in blush* (T/N: lol my english is poor XD)
Jiwon: *looking down at an embarrased DG* "!"
*panel where we see DG's legs being elevated off the floor*
DG: "uwaaah!"
*zooms out we see Jiwon picking up DG, having him in his arms, and walking off to the bedroom as he's lifting DG in his arms*
DG: "Sunbae! I-I can walk myself!"
*fidgeting around*
*jiwon still carrying on*
*******BJ ALEX LOGO*******
CH 61
*DG's lying on the bed with a buttoned down shirt and in his briefs while Jiwon is sitting next to him slowly working his way over him and they're making out*
*jiwon is pulling off his shirt while DG is lying on the bed*
*panel of jiwon finishing off taking off his shirt*
*zoomed in on Jiwon's face staring at DG.* *badump* *blushing*
*panel of DG staring back at him. Blushing* *badump badump*
*Jiwon moves closer and wraps his arm around DG's shoulder and brings him in towards him for another kiss*
*panel then shows DG's shirt being unbuttoned by Jiwon*
*panel shot of DG with his shirt open and in his briefs looking enticing for jiwon ;) *
DG: "ah.." *embarrased*
Jiwon: "....." *staring in complete awe, eyes widen* *badump badump*
*jiwon collapses onto DG's chest and is burning up in blushing. Steam*
Jiwon: "Ugh damnit... *murmurs* I want to do it already" *hugging DG while hiding his face and trying to hold back*
*DG becomes even brighter red and blushes mad hard. Surprised*
*zoomed out and Jiwon is off DG just looking and waiting there on the bed while DG is slowly taking off his briefs and shirt*
DG: "I-I...it's been awhile already since..."
*badump badump*
*him turning his lower half around now completely naked and enticing him by having his hand on his ass and gesturing and posing shyly seductive*
"just do it in a way it doesn't hurt much..."
*badump badump*
*panel showing Jiwon snapping* (T/N: might as well add a nosebleed LOL)
Jiwon: "....."
*next panels show moments later*
*panel of lube*
"hah...ah" "AH!"
*zoomed POV shot of DG's ass being loosened up by Jiwon. Jiwon's pants are now off*
"Ngh. AH MMPH..!!"
*zoomed out we see Jiwon with his arms wrapped around DG, one hand loosening him up and the other holding him close as he licks and sucks on his nipple*
*DG is trembling*
DG: "Ah, sunbae....AH!" "W-wait.." "AH!"
*panel of Jiwon slowly taking his mouth of DG's nipple as he looks at DG's face of estasy*
"Agh, ah"
*Jiwon begins kissing his neck*
*DG surprised and flinching* "Ugh, Ah"*
*zoomed in on the neck we see a mark left there ;)*
Jiwon: *talking into DG's ear as he's still fingering him* "A lot of time has passed, but I loosened you up well so it won't hurt now"
DG: "Ah, y-yeah it's fine..."
*panel showing DG shaking and trembling more*
*panel showing Jiwon taking out his fingers*
*Jiwon gently kisses DG on his cheek. DG's face is bright red and in esctasy*
DG: "!!"
*Jiwon on top of DG looking at him and DG still trembling looking back at him glossy eyed*
Jiwon: "Nam Donggyun, honestly, do you want to do it?"
*panel of DG's eyes beginning to whell up. face bright red heavy breathing*
DG: "....."
*panel of DG's hand reaching for Jiwon's dick*
*grabs his dick and brings it towards his ass suggesting he stick it in*
DG: *hand still on his dick bringing it closer inside him* *zoomed out shot we see DG covering his face being shy with his legs spread open* "It's...It's okay, hurry..."
*next panel we see Jiwon bright red biting his lip and can't hold back any longer*
Jiwon: "ugh!"
*jiwon then trusts inside*
DG: *shaking* "AH!!!"
*zoomed in on Jiwon's face gasping, bright red, slightly shaking. Looking at DG *
*panel zoomed in on the action showing jiwon moving and thrusting*
Jiwon: "it's completely....like the first time."
DG: "Ah.. AH!"
*zoomed in on jiwon's head next to DG's as he's thrusting even harder*
DG: "UGH!" *flinching, shaking*
*zoomed out. Jiwon picks up his head, DG wraps his arm around Jiwon's back slightly clawing his back*
DG: "ah... ugh!" *DG tearing up*
Jiwon: "is it too rough?"
DG: "No..no it's not that..."
*DG smiling as he stares into Jiwon's face*
"they're tears of happiness"
*Jiwon's eyes widen and he's surprised, blushing*
*Jiwon carresses DG's face*
Jiwon: "...I see now." *smiles*
*next panel Jiwon begins to lift DG's legs and begins to thrust into him even harder*
DG: "W-wait...!" "If you do ...it like th- UGH!"
*panel of DG's face in pure esctasy. about to climax*
DG: "i-if you thrust like...AGH...!!!" "HNGH UGH!"
*shake* *thrust* shake* thrust*
*jiwon then huddles over DG and thrusts deep into DG's ass*
*shake thrust*
DG: "AH!" "Su-sunbae...!!" "NGH!" *trembling*
Jiwon: "Ugh..."
*panel shows DG came all over his chest* *heavy breathing* *cool down*
*panel showing Jiwon taking out his dick. DG's ass dripping with his load*
*panel showing them staring at each other heavy panting*
DG: "Sunbae..." *staring into Jiwon's face reaching up to his face*
*panel of DG interlocking his hand with Jiwon's hand*
DG: "I love you..."
*panel showing Jiwon bending his head down to kiss DG*
DG: "Mmph..!" *taken aback* (T/N: wasn't expecting a kiss)
*panel showing jiwon tightening the grip on their interlocking hands*
*last panel zoomed out aerial type shot overlooking them on the bed Jiwon still on top of DG*
*badump badump*
WOW! it's harder to translate sfx and chapters with no dialogue LOL.
This chapter was obviously a sexy-time chapter XD
Hope I did it justice.
I also hope this story continues past them getting back together. I want to see their life afterwards. Maybe Jiwon struggling because he doesn't know what it's like to be in a relationship or how to properly treat DG. I can see that. Or them discussing what is their relationship now. and what about the stream! lmao.
Oh and side note: BJ alex means broadcasting jockey alex. that's what BJ means in south korea. Not...well...blowjob. just a side note for anyone wondering or confused or still thinks it's blowjob. lol
2019-01-26 17:33 marked