2018-06-18 07:18 marked
2018-06-17 07:12 marked
2018-06-13 06:58 marked

Just in case y’all were wondering :)
2018-05-28 07:08 marked
2018-05-25 00:52 marked

@Thehumansin said: "he never outright consented, his body language said he didn't want it and he kicked him, this should justify it as rape". My reply was: "Oono says at the end of ch 4 that he wanted Kureshima even before the sex and that while the sex did hurt it actually felt good. He says he'd been in denial about what the feeling he'd been experiencing was. Love. If he was in love with Kureshima and Kureshima got him horny (he literally says Kureshima is making him feel horny on ch 3, pg 25) AFTER the initial reluctance to masturbate; so he's moved on from reluctance to feeling horny, how exactly was the sex not consensual? If you're in love with someone and they proposition you with sex, the default disposition is "happy" since you love them. He was hesitant at first about the masturbation, Kureshima talked him into it and then once he was already doing it he started to get horny because of Kureshima's dirty talk and he got swept away. Pretty basic wordless consent. As far as his body language, where did it imply hewas feeling raped? He never tells Kureshima to stop, never resists and Kureshima never uses physical force either. For some reason people have the idea in their head that consent is a sentence rather than an emotion, this isn't the case. You FEEL consent and then speaking it aloud is a way of CONVEYING the emotion. In other words, if you consent to something, but don't say it out loud you're still giving them consent, just wordlessly. I can give an example to better understand. If someone were to take you to court and all they said was "i didn't say yes", they'd be asked "well, did you say no/stop or resist and make it known you didn't consent?". If the answer to that question is no then you're off free because if they don't convey that they didn't consent, you're going to assume wordless consent. You don't go in assuming you're raping someone. Wordless consent is a thing".
@anonymous says: 1. "if someone is visibly scared of being raped then it's rape, it's clear in the scenes.", to this i replied that "i mean, maybe you're right and he was feeling raped, but i don't think so based on Oono's dialogue in ch 4's end saying he was in denial about loving Kureshima, that he wanted him for a while as he'd had delusions about him and that he actually enjoyed the sex despite the pain". They are arguing that Oono was clearly feeling a certain way, i can't agree with this so i just gave them a "no offense, it's just my opinion". And 2. "also, on ch 3, pg 29 you can clearly see him shouting 'noooo!' and he says that Kureshima scares him". For this i replied: "there is context that needs addressed behind him saying 'Kureshima scares me'. On ch 3, pg 30 is where he says that, but he actually says 'i don't understand Kureshima, he scares me'. This is an important distinction because he's not JUST saying he's scared of Kureshima, he's also saying WHY. Here it seemed obvious to me that it is supposed to be taken literally, Oono doesn't understand why Kureshima is in his life and now even having sex with him. He doesn't understand Kureshima's intentions and it scares him. This actually goes into what i said in my previous comment, in ch 4 Oono gets mad and yells at Kureshima when he acts like nothing happened, this is because he was only upset about not knowing Kureshima's feelings. When Kureshima acted like nothing happened it made him feel like Kureshima was just messing with him. About the 'nooo!' on ch 3, pg 29, that is an SFX, not dialogue. Oono doesn't say that, it's a sound effect. On ch 3, pg 30 at the top of the page you see 'schlop, schlop', another SFX indicating the sound of Kureshima's dick going in and out. Kureshima isn't literally saying 'schlop, schlop' while he fucks Oono just like Oono didn't actually scream no when he was penetrated. His mouth doesn't even look like he's screaming, it looks like he moaned. Like 'ahh~'. It'd make sense since Oono says the sex actually "felt better than the delusions" at the end of ch 4. SFX are put in at the translator's convenience and I think what happened here is that the translator saw the pictures, thought it was rape and decided to throw a rape warning and rapey SFX during the penetration to push home their interpretation."
2018-05-17 14:33 marked

2018-05-14 15:56 marked
2018-05-09 06:06 marked

2018-04-30 14:28 marked
2018-04-16 14:45 marked
2018-02-12 06:22 marked
Please give some good recommendations . M so bored.