2019-07-14 23:43 marked
2019-07-14 23:41 marked
2019-07-14 12:05 marked
2019-07-13 16:55 marked
2019-07-13 16:54 marked
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2019-07-07 22:24 marked
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2019-07-04 18:17 marked
2019-07-04 18:16 marked

I throughly enjoyed this whole ride. Koogi's attention to detail, pacing, and just the whole composition of each panels are extremely breathtaking. Truely one of the near only comics that have me really engrossed and feel with it. As an aspiring comics artist that really inspires me. I did expect this sort of ending, though the way Koogi delivered it still was pleasantly unexpected and at its best. The story took off and landed gracefully in its way.
I just really wanted to ramble and sort of type off an official thing as an ending to both the comic and just, entire adventure I had along it. Will definitely collect if English prints come out!
2019-07-04 18:14 marked

No wonder sungho looks broken.
This might be the only manhwa using the rape trope that I actually like? Bc they both got fucked up in his. Dohyun emotionally manipulated sungho (a product of his need to be loved and yet not healthily knowing how bc of his background). And sungho had no comparison of a good friendship so he believed he needed to provide sexual favor in order to keep dohyun (which imho, dohyun fed into by ignoring him except for when sungho initiated contact). Recent chapters point out dohyun doing this manipulation cognitively, which again is his unhealthy mechanism. The sad thing is dohyun chose the most suseptible person. The conflict of loving dohyun but not (yet) feeling comfortable in the relationship/skinship (and possibly internal homophobia) and then feeling regretful for throwing away their relationship drove sungho insane. I mean the poor boy looked uncomfortable every time they were intimate (while dohyun tried to act distant to make sungho insecure) AND keep in mind he even told dohyun that he isn't comfortable with skinship but for dohyun he's willing to kiss. Both of them dont have healthy coping mechanisms or support. I hope the ending gives us closure about this.
Honestly this might be the only rape trope usage wherein I'm rooting for both people to get mental help and try to work it out. They legit looked like they loved each other until they hit the wall of emotional inexperience/lack of understanding.
Also rip raws. I can't believe the authors took a hiatus at that exact moment. How cruel.
2019-06-30 12:52 marked
Don't wait. That's how you get missed opportunities and regrets. I'm not sure what you mean by putting yourself out there. Some girls put themselves out there by showing more cleavage and having their ass hanging out of shorts. And sure, that might work if you're looking for a quickie. But if you're looking for a relationship, be yourself. You're a......
2019-06-29 06:09 marked
2019-06-28 13:01 marked
2019-06-23 20:19 marked

person with multiple fake accounts
some of her fake accounts are
1. http://www.mangago.zone/home/people/542184/home/
2. http://www.mangago.zone/home/people/533715/home/
3. http://www.mangago.zone/home/people/528458/home/
4. http://www.mangago.zone/home/people/533146/home/
5. http://www.mangago.zone/home/people/533124/home/
6. http://www.mangago.zone/home/people/533102/home/
7. http://www.mangago.zone/home/people/533102/home/
8. http://www.mangago.zone/home/people/533098/home/
9. http://www.mangago.zone/home/people/533092/home/
Make sure to always be on her good side or else she will just catfish your entire account . And startrs disliking all your comments .And above all will spend you cursed words using her these accounts . Last time i mentioned this people checked & reported about her fake account .. She got scared but never stopped . Be sure to be beware of this person . I am a victim here too
2019-06-14 06:25 marked
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2019-06-08 17:53 marked

I was actually so happy to see this... u don't understand..
Confession: I have a whole folder of Comments and retorts I'll either never use.. or for future use.. (///▽///)
(this is actually really embarrassing to admit...)
2019-05-27 00:16 marked
2019-05-23 13:28 marked
2019-05-19 16:49 marked
Vol 2 ch 7 in spanish