Yoo wym You're replacing your sibling role and why the 'husband' is LETTING YOU DO EVERYTHING LIKE 'YEAH THIS IS THE ROLE YOU SHOULD FULFILL, CLEAN THE DISHES, TAKE CARE OF THE YOUNGLING' so misogynistic.. . Or omegagynistic. AND THE FACT HE SAID HE'S DOING IT BECAUSE OF THAT MAN AND NOT THE CHILD that's wild
No seriously he left get over it, I believe that jk can heal and become a better person but he seriously doesn’t deserve kim dan at all Luca
Fr fr, unfortunately Dan is kinda infatuated with him, I wouldn't say so much he was manipulated because that man was a total dick 24/7 since minute 1, so we need an intervention here. YOU GET THERAPY, HE GETS THERAPY, WE ALL HERE GET THERAPY!!!
I hope this goes to a point were either they end it and everyone goes their way (less likely) or they take a time to grow and then now be together as better individuals OR LEAVE THAT DAMN COMPANY, COME ON, YOU'RE BEING SO DRAMATIC AND DRASTIC JUST QUIT GODDAMIT
Yoo wym You're replacing your sibling role and why the 'husband' is LETTING YOU DO EVERYTHING LIKE 'YEAH THIS IS THE ROLE YOU SHOULD FULFILL, CLEAN THE DISHES, TAKE CARE OF THE YOUNGLING' so misogynistic.. . Or omegagynistic. AND THE FACT HE SAID HE'S DOING IT BECAUSE OF THAT MAN AND NOT THE CHILD that's wild