Ughhh I should have let this marinate. The story is so interesting and intriguing that I'll read this even if there's only minimal romance. It's like Paljae level of intriguing imo
In my dark romance era rn so I'm re-reading it. Gosh, In-seob just kept getting prettier and prettier in Woyeon's POV. Tbh, if the red flag is as beautiful as Woyeon's I might ignore the red flags too
This isn’t dark romance it’s romanticized abuse it might not sound like it but there’s a big dif between real dark media and corn addicts writing shit Molly
okay...? dont be judging peoples taste! Walk away,, and dont look back..
Ughhh I should have let this marinate. The story is so interesting and intriguing that I'll read this even if there's only minimal romance. It's like Paljae level of intriguing imo