yeah, the character is hot, but the world is full of bad guys with pretty face. i felt something bad since he insisted the uke (in the start) to do the job to show himself naked in front of a customer then he just came onto him - guess he really wants to do with the uke the same he did with charlie bc the uke is ~handsome and have a build body~ so the uke would really give money to him since the uke would attract a lot of guys
in the raws the seme saw some videos of the uke jerking off then the seme goes where the uke is at and RAPED HIM. the uke is visually shaken, he cries like you can feel he feels like trash or something like this

And the uke also turns out to be super cliche that even after being raped to the point he fuckin' bled, kisses the seme when he approaches the uke after the rape incident, later goes to the seme's place by himself and let's him fuck for like - the whole day. I thought the uke's gonna be real badass and have some decent attitude and do something to punish that rapist and make him go through hell but......meh. What a let down.
Another "falling for own rapist" shit or similar to "stockholm syndrome" shit.

i'm glad that we have the opportunity to have open access to this kind of content, i mean, same sex relationships etc - i love bl/yaoi, i like the stories, i understand that a lot of people have bad experiences, but i just HATE how these artists romanticize these same bad experiences like assault, rape, verbal violence

SAME. Exactly. This is getting real boring like literally 70% of yaoi?
People should really start making comics with decent plots now (it's goddamn 2019), I mean just use your head or something and come up with something new rather than the same bullshit again and again. And if ya wanna show crime then show it as a "crime" like how the characters protests against it to get justice and all, not romanticizing these fucked up crappy acts as love/relationship. Or maybe some psychological shit where both characters are fucked in the brain. But not just show these crimes as an "okay" thing.
I keep getting my hopes high and then end up being frustrated.

I know I’m late but Ngl I’m about to follow everyone in this thread. People have bashed and argued with me because I’ve argued over the fact that yaoi is a horrible depiction of mlm relationships. Like I’m bi(perhaps pan) and I enjoy bl gl etc. But so much of the yaoi i come across is written horribly by women who are mlm fetishizers( fujoshis) and they constantly romanticize rape and other forms of sexual assault and I’ve seen a whole lot of incest and pedophilia as well. It’s just sad how out of all the ways to depict a regular relationship with 2 people of the same sex suddenly needs to involve them violating each other. It’s like they view gay/bi people as nothing more than a form of entertainment and “fap material” than actual beings. Also since I’m commenting several months later, a lot of young little girls have been getting introduced to yaoi and they’re all now fetishizing mlm as well and they are completely disregarding blatant SA and just obsessing over their “gaybies”

The story is finished now and my perspective on it is this, it's a good story that I will re read from time to time, oh and btw a man wrote this. First, there was no rape between the MCs, but back in June when the raws for a chapter were not yet translated it appeared rape took place but the translation clarified it was consensual but rough sex. That is not to say that rape does not occur in the story, it does,by outsiders abusing the the bottom MC and it is not romanticized at all. (I also hate rape to love tropes that seem to be a common thread in poorly written yaoi.) Second, you have to understand the culture behind manga and manhwa. The target audience of Asian women, in general, are living in societies where they not supposed to want or admit that they enjoy sex...they are living vicariously through these yaoi characters. That is why in a typical yaoi the uke has to be seduced, cajoled, hell even forced into sex and called cute and lewd and all that mess and why they are always saying no but meaning yes. It's like oh they have been forced into a corner so it can't be helped and oh the top is skilled so of course it felt good.Yaoi logic.
In any case this is NOT that typical yaoi, the bottom is manly from beginning to end, yet he is emotionally strong, self reflective and flawed. His core personality holds firm despite the hell he goes through. The top goes through subtle yet major character development that was creatively well done imho.
As for kids reading yaoi....Parents need to step tf up and talk to as well as monitor their child's internet activity bc it IS damaging to their pysche when they read this.

Henlo! Better late than never lol. Actually I've lost so many braincells trying to argue with people justifying/romanticizing fictional rape and abuse that I just don't bother anymore. I simply drop the story and get myself outta the fandom. Cause it just gives me extreme mental stress. But now that I've found someone with a similar mindset, let's chat a little hehe. My rant's gonna get HUGE but I just kinda wanna let it all outta my chest with you cause I really have stopped talking about it.
Personally I feel like, rather than the authors selling these nasty acts as romance, the readers' mindset and response regarding this matter is way more problematic. I'll get to that later.
So, for years to come yaoi and shoujo, these two "supposedly romance" genres has successfully turned rape into a possible "fetish" and the romanticization of rape and stockholm syndrome into the most common troupe (out of all the things we could've normalized in this already fucked enough world lol)
Hentai, pedophilic genres like lolicon-shotacon, fanfiction world has done the same but we're talking about yaoi cause it's probably a step ahead and has the largest fandom.
So what's fucked up is, yaoi is mostly read by extremely young audience (11-19). And when they see rape being constantly romanticized and fetishized (drawn in an appealing way) in these fictions with sexy men, they unconsciously end up thinking it's "hot".
And not to me mention shipping the victim with his rapist as a couple or wanting them to end up together as lovers becomes a normal thing and thus their definition of "happy ending" changes into "as long as they end up together no matter what" - which is apparently a happy ending only for the rapist cause it's his win, he gets to fuck his victim as much as he wished for, just in disguise of lovers this time.
They never get to see what's actually wrong with it and the authors get to play around with something as heavy as rape however they want, non stop. I actually saw 12 years olds on facebook commenting "I wish someone would rape me too" and gosh, I feel my heart sinking.
Also there's this concept of "you're not allowed to complain about it cause it's just fiction" which is probably the most hypocritical thing to say ever.
Fiction gets criticised by consumers no matter what form it is in, that's how it always worked and always will. Huge fandoms of anime, movies, books, songs - that's all they do. But suddenly it becomes a taboo when you're talking against fucked up shit like rape (which is sad cause people were supposed to criticise it the most)
And the most hypocritical part is - I've literally seen people who bashed me for calling out a rapist seme going absolutely nuts (yes, nuts) when someone other than the seme or someone ugly tried to rape the uke. It's like they favor even among rapists lol. Once I see them expressing their absolute disgust toward a side rapist character and then make 252627 excuses about how the rapist main lead has a sobass past or an awful upbringing (always gotta have one, same shit everytime) or how he's just a man child who doesn't know how to express his love properly. Yeah I just feel at loss of words-
If you like something wrong, like it KNOWING it's wrong and not delusionally justify it inside your head. And be acceptable of people criticizing something which rightfully deserves it, even if it's your absolute favorite.
And now this new excuse of rape has been arrived called the "character development". Okay let's talk about that!
Like I said before, rather than the authors selling these crappy acts as a display of mlm romance, what's more problematic is how the readers responds to it or buys into it. Stories where the author herself hasn't romanticised any of the rape and abuse, I already see readers shipping the victim with his rapist. Like there's no hesitation if the rapist in the seme. "He gon' get his character development anyways" which apparently cancels out all the rape and abuse. It's like the seme would be raping the uke for the 50th time and they'd still be like "waiting for the character development uwu kiss kiss fall in love".
Character development is an amazing concept. But does it apply to all crimes? And does it make all criminals forgivable?
I'd take character development of a rapist AFTER he's shown to serve in jail I guess, like first he gotta pay for what he did, right? But then again if a rapist actually gets genuine character development, he wouldn't really wanna live. He'd be traumatised with guilt.
And here people already ships the victim with his rapist even before the rapist gets the so called "character development" (which means saying sorry for once btw). Even myself acted like a fuckin' rape apologist a few years ago like hey atleast he should say sorry once but then I realized bruh it's not the type of act you get away with by merely apologizing lol. Even murder can be excused in terms of self defense but rape? Never.
A form of fiction where instead of the concept of "consent" being normalized, what's more common is from rape to lovers. Rather the bar is so low that if we ever see any consent at all, it becomes hard to believe our eyes. It really is extremely sad and kinda embarrassing to admit. And to the authors I'm be like- baseless porn? Hardcore stuff? Extremely fetishized? Nice! But............why it has to be rape?
But good news is dat some people are finally starting to see what's wrong with it. That's great!

I couldn’t agree more. It’s so incredibly frustrating to even bother arguing with people at this point. I’ve also seen a bunch of young girls commenting under mangas like these “I’m 12 and I’m reading this” even on social media they romanticize stories like Painter of the Night saying they wish they were in Nakyum’s place. It’s so disgusting and the fact that there’s really nothing you can do about it. It’s mind boggling to me how heavily people will cape for consent but never apply it to their faves it’s disgusting. Character development is a cop out for shitty characters, especially in novels like these, people are saying the original copy depicts that it was consensual but I view it as dubcon(which is when consent isn’t clearly given ie the lines of consent are blurred) the uke is completely violated and the author just wrote it off as he enjoyed it so everyone can defend the semes actions. Not to mention whether or not Charlie eventually became violent he was completely abused by the same and everyone is trying to excuse it because he “started acting violently towards other people so I don’t feel bad for him” I’ve seen it countless times, I can’t imagine what people if they were in his position would do, because if that’s their justification then I hope they’d be perfectly fine with it if they were in his shoes as well. The fact that you can’t critique things like this without the comments going bat shit crazy is so fucking annoying. There’s no possible way to defend this and many more like it but the fact that people jump through 100s of hoops just to be able to do so is ridiculous.

I disagree. In many Asian countries many feminist movements have been on the rise the most prominent being the use of Kawaii as a form of reclaiming power. Asian women do not need to write about two gay men having sex in order to feel like they can live through a body of work or relate to it. Also yeah I’m aware a man wrote this but it still doesn’t change the fact that it plays on the rape to lovers trope with blurred lines of consent. There is absolutely not any character development for the seme, there’s no reflection no feeling of guilt no actual growth from him other than the fact that he decides he loves the MC after a literal near death experience. I agree that the bottom is emotionally strong, in ways maybe he was, but I think in general he lacked the want for better and never thought about himself enough to move on from someone who clearly didn’t love him at the time. He waited around for the seme to love him and let the man use him like a pocket pussy and thought that would make their relationship blossom. I think if there wasn’t a character that people could deem as weaker than the mc, Charlie, then he would seem a lot worse, but because we have someone who was completely destroyed by the seme and someone who was able to hold out people can say well he’s strong. In reality the mc and Charlie really aren’t all that different at all. Their whole story is a relationship with the seme that’s loveless one character just had more support from other such as mary, the ex, and his gang that he worked for. I don’t think the story was well written but that’s definitely subjective. Also side note I’ve seen you everywhere in comments lolll

Thank you for offering an alternative perspective with examples/references, the comments are more enjoyable and engaging that way. Let me know if you're analyzing Saezuru tori wa Habatakaneri as that is my all time fave bl and the comment section is as interesting as the story.
We're gonna have to agree to disagree on D&D though. I didn't get dubious consent vibes or rape vibes between the main characters AFTER I saw the translation of chapters 11-13, so I didn't consider this a rape to love story. The Lee Gyung in the first season was arrogant, kinda creepy and a bit of a sarcastic ass. His only redeeming characteristic was his honesty. He never lies to Charlie or to the MC, Choi. I could see that Lee fell for Hyungdo in the 1st season but bc of his inexperience he was somewhat toxic in how he expressed it. 4 ex the exclusive manwhore contract was his way of making Choi his lover in writing probably to ease insecurities he didn't know he had and to fuel his possessiveness but we all know how that turned out for poor Hyungdo. (He should've had a legal case with the clan bc his contract was different than say Charlie's in that his only client was supposed to be Lee. Not that he could've taken them to court after the captured him.) BTW Idt Charlie loved Lee, he was just obsessed with him. Also there are subtle hints about him being into bdsm where it is not uncommon to have a contract btwn the D and s, even Lee was calling himself Choi's master and felt obligated to try to free him after the clan moved in bc he made a promise to take care of him--this was before his development arc. By the end of season two he is simpin for Choi and trying to be a better man ( ie not a criminal) for Hyungdo. He actually blushes and sheds tears in season 2. He confesses his feelings more than once. He even recognizes the differences btwn Choi crying from being emotional vs overstimulated by sex so yeah there was a huge change in character for him ...And with regard to feminist movements in Asia, I just think the literature needs to catch up to the times. A lot of the yaoi I read is 5, 10+ years old so....

Honestly I agree but even newer yaoi has the same storylines. Not d&d specifically just other novels romanticizing rape, pedophilia etc. I think the likelihood of that coming isn’t any time soon considering the age of consent in most Asian countries is 12-14 and in some cases even younger than 12. I don’t have a problem with these types of stories I just think the issue comes when it’s painted as a happy ending and just romanticized all around. Kinks are different to what this was tho but honestly a lot of people don’t actually care enough to do research on bdsm to make stories that have themes of it actually accurately presented. Call me a stick in the mud but I just feel like consent is one thing that shouldn’t be left out regardless of what the situation is unless it has to do with accurately depicting SA in a setting where the character doesn’t somehow develop feelings for their rapist, even CNC should not be taken lightly by people who haven’t actually done research. I feel like people forget how often seeing things normalized in media forms whether that be literature or tv or whatever the case may be can actually have an affect on real life and that’s where people ten to get lost. All in all we have a long way to go. Thank you sm for this really pleasant interaction btw I enjoyed discussing this with people who aren’t quick to justify rape and sa because the person doing it is attractive *face palm* :)
i wished yohan had killed himself in the end, unfortunately he doesn't :(
Same here. He is the definition of a scum
He’s a disgusting piece of trash and shall end up in hell for eternity
because authors all do this bs endings of NEVER providing justice for their character's victim. I don't know if it's a specific BL trope but i have NEVER read a BL story that truly has a character be punished for their crimes NEVER. In fact that character is either rewarded or gets to make a quiet exit after a single apology and that's it, every SINGLE TIME. Granted I know there are crimes committed everyday in real life that never have justice provided, but it's like a specific thing within yaoi i've noticed that it's like the author's enjoy their characters pain more than adequately providing closure of any sort.
....are you Jesus? I’ll become one of your accomplices God.