Does anyone know at what chapter did the manhwa in korean ended???
It ended in chapter 73
There are 74 episodes up on the official site, though, if you scroll down to the very bottom of the page: (⌒▽⌒)
Is this a manhwa from Lezhin? Or where's the original source? Just asking, not wanting to cause drama or anything :)
It's usually Lezhin, Comica, or Foxtoon. This one happens to be a Lezhin series that has not been licenced for official english release.
I know all the bash Guren is receiving now isn't for nothing, but to think of the burden he has suffered from the moment the woman he loved was consumed by a demon,
his friends died, to the world being destroyed, his only wish is to mend all the shit that happened that was never his fault, but what destiny decided to put on him. (as someone who highly recommends reading the light novels)
Pages 3 and 4 are in disorder. It's first the 4th and then the 3rd (read it on the official translation page).
I thought it was weird how that arm kept disappearing x)