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Quiine March 1, 2024 1:14 am

TJ literally literally drooling over Ian??? Same gurl same

Quiine February 29, 2024 9:30 am

I'm really proud of Nato for standing up for himself. Hazuki just needs to give him his space now and properly apologize later cause I hate to say it but he really messed up

    ... February 29, 2024 9:46 am

    It's effect of his insecurity in handling minato/raising children & lack of sleep (stressed) mixed together + wrong timing

    ... February 29, 2024 9:57 am
    It's effect of his insecurity in handling minato/raising children & lack of sleep (stressed) mixed together + wrong timing ...

    He's not wrong in telling Naoto to be careful since his heat is also near.. It's just wrong timing & words because he's triggered of his insecurity also..

    Plus he's still young (23), it's stressful enough to have 3 kids + he's helping with the chores (for not letting Naoto get burn out) & not to mention work (going to be CEO) which will have lots of responsibilities. Like in real life that it's hard to balance everything, it's just pilled up & boom!

    Quiine February 29, 2024 4:16 pm
    He's not wrong in telling Naoto to be careful since his heat is also near.. It's just wrong timing & words because he's triggered of his insecurity also..Plus he's still young (23), it's stressful enough to... ...

    I'm not saying Hazuki is a bad person, he's a great husband and father. He did mess up though and if it was him being his usual jealous self then it would be fine but it was when he brought up Nato's assult in anger and weaponized it against him that wasn't okay. His intent may not have been malicious but his words were and Nato has every right to be angry. He wont stay mad for long anyway and I know they'll talk it out and make up soon.

    ... February 29, 2024 8:01 pm
    I'm not saying Hazuki is a bad person, he's a great husband and father. He did mess up though and if it was him being his usual jealous self then it would be fine but it was when he brought up Nato's assult in ... Quiine

    Yeah. It's his fault since he was triggered + wrong timing of (witnessing) things.. It was hugely on stressed & insecurities piled up causing it to explode (hurling of hurtful words)

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