Hibou August 29, 2024 9:11 am

I admit I don't understand
Chapter 1 left him in the worst possible situation, what is this chapter 2? A what if ending where things would have happened differently? Or the continuation of chapter 1?
I'm confused I want a happy ending

    peachmilk September 8, 2024 7:40 am

    As i understand it's their relationship before Miguel got arrested seen from the POV of miguel

    Woman with a mission September 22, 2024 10:19 am
    As i understand it's their relationship before Miguel got arrested seen from the POV of miguel peachmilk

    Oh god...

Hibou July 30, 2024 7:20 am

Well it was excellent I don't know what I'm going to read now

Hibou July 2, 2024 7:12 am

I sincerely would have liked to know more about the life of the woman and what she becomes

Hibou June 30, 2024 9:10 pm

Oh finally here ! This oneshot is super super hot hehehe

Hibou June 30, 2024 11:19 am

It goes beyond the limits of what can be published. Remove this horror from here, and to the few who appreciate it question yourself, you really have a problem.

Hibou June 29, 2024 12:05 am

Looking forward to reading this story again when I finally find the right person

Hibou June 18, 2024 12:37 am

I'm too old for this shit

Hibou June 15, 2024 9:11 pm


Hibou June 7, 2024 12:41 am

Indeed I was attached to this story for the style and it has lost almost all its charm (I'm still going to read it )

Hibou June 8, 2024 3:35 pm

I'm finally finished. I've ruined my life and sleep schedule these last 3 days for this but it was worth it
9.8 well deserved, let's eat those who didn't give 5/5
It appears that the last of my spoilers didn't even come from the manga, but probably from a very well done fanart.
Whoever did this owes me an apology!

Also, I would kill for this image of Falyn with short hair

Ch1/2 : Marcille, Chil and Senshi are adorable, I love Laios but 100% this guy is hiding something. Looking forward to seeing them eat more interesting monsters :D
Ch3/4 : the chicken once cooked was very small, I am disappointed. Strange approach of death in this story... EVIL.COLI!
Ch5/6 : sometimes Laios is majestic, sometimes he is stupid, sometimes he scares me. The story with his sister is cute but I refuse to believe that his background is just that
Ch7/7.5/8 : Much more lore and explanation than I expected, a really, really good story
Ch9/10 : This is the last time I get attached to another group (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ But the leader has a very good design, he will come back (the others too I hope...)

Summary #1: still in love with Laios but he still makes me uncomfortable, he seems dead inside sometimes. I like Marcille more and more ! And the other group where are they?!

Ch11/12 : "There are even some guys dancing naked” “Sounds good to me” Laios for the love of god stop
Ch13/14/14.5 : quite curious about the book he's carrying around, and his sister too
Ch17/18 : I need more about Falin and Marcille, maybe I was wrong about Laios. Now it's enough, first it was Chichuck, now Marcille. It's a cute story about eating monsters (despite the deaths of the other group...) I don't want to see them hurt anymore
Ch19/20 : wtf is this picture at the end lmao anyways nice conclusion with Namari, much better than I expected, I love this manga

Summary #2: Idk I thought Laios and his sister weren't quite human but I'm not so sure. Maybe Falin is human. But I still have doubts about him, like every time I'm starting to think that, he makes a weird face lol

Ch21/21.5 : Nothing to report
Ch22 : I'm starting to like Namari it's a bad sign, I'm afraid something will happen to her
Ch23/24/25/26/27 : Damn I was really stressed
Ch28 : Is that the painting elf??? Fucking knew he was suspicious

Summary #3 : Now is not the time to wonder whether Laios is human or not. I want Falin back. You can't build her such cute relationships with Laios and Marcille to make her disappear like that. To hell with the monsters to eat, slit this elf's throat, remove his entrails and feed them to the chicken chimera (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

Ch31/31.5 : Let's forget Laios, I think I'm in love with Marcille now
Ch32/33 : Kabru you are very cool but money is money you can't throw it away like that... He is Sherlock Holmes, he better not be an antagonist he has a way of being really annoying. And what does he say by “true nature”? I left aside my questions regarding the human nature of the two, it's not for you to show up and dig up everything you bastard
Ch34/35/35.5 : Nothing to report, I don't like Kabru. Well, it's still one of the reasons that pushed me to read this story so I'll give it a try
Ch36 : I literally want to cry. Like really. I had vaguely seen a chimera with Laios on Pinterest before I start reading. But hell please not that. It's horrible. Her chances of survival have literally fallen to 0, even at the start of the story I was always thinking that they could revive her after taking her out of the dragon. Oh damn. I am now certain that if Laios is human then he will no longer be human at the end of the story. I think I'm going to cry badly in a few days
Ch37/38 : Oh my god I just wanted a cute story where monsters get eaten not that... Damn what a mess
Ch39/40 : I want cuteness like this for the remaining 60 chapters

Summary #4 : Apart from the last 2 chapters which were cute, everything went from worse to worse. Laius is the one who worries me the most of the 4, his chances of survival have also decreased. Kabru will come back one way or another, I hope he doesn't add shit to the already shitty situation...

Ch41/42/43/44 : it's peaceful, I don't remember seeing the 2nd woman only once, big surprise if she stays
Ch45 : oooooh it’s the elf I saw on Pinterest! It was written that it was created to attract everyone to read this story "tactical nuke" or idk what lol it took him a while to arrive :D
More seriously, the last image which may be a spoiler I have concerns Laios and it doesn't look good to me AT ALL
Ch46/47/47.1 : sometimes Laios is truly majestic. On the other hand, I have mixed feelings about the outcome of events, it doesn't bode well. Huho the grandson
Ch48/49 : I really thought there was cannibalism... In any case I really appreciate all the efforts on the creatures and legends. Fairy circles come from European folklore, very happy to see them here :)
Ch50 : Nothing to report

Summary #5 : Quite peaceful compared to previous events. Quite worried that the elves, the dwarves and Kabru are getting involved in this story, and especially worried for the king's grandson

Ch51/52 : Ok it's true that I REALLY want to see them eat a chimera but not Falin wtffffff
Ch53/54/55 : Huho Kabru was outplayed lol and damn if he and Mithrun continue to be this effective together I'm going to start shipping them too bad for the other woman lmao
Ch56/57 : I need more about Faline and Marcille past, and Laios too. Marcille when she was smilling at Laios without recognizing him is the cutest thing I've seen in my life aaah
Ch58/59 : nice to see her more
Ch60 : suddenly serious again... The lion scared me, he already looks like Aslan then he's starting to say that he's power I thought he was an angel or something lol Otherwise, damn looks like the canaries will actually fuck up everything (and we will need more justifications concerning Marcille at the beginning of the dream, little secret keeper)

Summary #6 : There were a lot of peaceful moments, we are at 2/3 of the way through the story. With the arrival of the lion, the elves and Kabru 100% the quiet moments are over...

Ch61/62 : oh boy I don't know who to believe anymore.
If Misurn is telling the truth then the lion is the demon of the dungeon. That's why he tells the other group to beware of the Canaries because they have come to eradicate him.
So then why would the demon give immortality to others at the request of the dungeon master? => Because it's a wish from the dungeon master, fuck it makes sense...
I think I mixed the kingdom and the dungeon into a single entity from the beginning...
Sooo the power decided to change the dungeon master because Laios' desire to eat monsters (and live a quiet life in harmony with monsters and his friends and his sister) is stronger than the desire of the other to protect Derghal !
So if he manages to defeat the mad sorcerer, then the power has just to designated Laios as the next master.
So Laios' vision is just a taste of the life he would have as a master before it goes to shit and he gets eaten like the elf?
OH SHIT OH SHIT panel 40, there is a horn one the lion
Poor Laius, I misjudged him with his funny expressions... The mad sorcerer will be defeated and Laios will take his place. Knowing that there is Falyne's name in the last chapters then i hope that she will manages to resolve the situation? I don't see this story ending with the death of Laios and Falyne, it doesn't fit with the vibes and morals so far. The death of one of the two is already more plausible and I don't like it....
Ch63/64/ : It's slowly coming into place, half of the lion is free. I don't understand why the power of Mithrun was free while the lion is prisoner of the book. Nor why there aren't more demons in the story. They said that the equivalent of mosquitoes existed in demons, how and why? I don't know if there will be an explanation, the most plausible is that the dungeon master killed them because (since they are not monsters) they could have attacked the inhabitants
Ngl, I need more of these sub-chapters, the drawings are sublime
Ch65 : Look at this bastard power, saying he will grant her wish, you motherfucker leave my Marcille out of this. Especially since equal lifespan for everyone sounds awfully close to immortality for everyone, or on the contrary almost nothing for everyone.
Ch66 : Indeed, the goal is to make Laios the next master. Curious to know how the mad sorcerer defeated the demon, while Mithrun was never able to do anything. Maybe Mithrun can win the 1v1 against the mad sorcerer but with Falin it's not going to be possible unless you get everyone together.
And I hope they don't start killing each other because of the dungeon's influence. For Senshi, Sumi and Chil it's unlikely, but maybe he can manipulate Marcille and Laios. I do not want to see that.
Ch67 : I want to puke
Ch68 : I love how there are so many details that you can't focus on everything, like why Derghal's body was there with an unknown puppet. Save the residents and Thisle my ass, he juste wants to put Laios or Marcille instead because he will be able to control them better
Ch69/70/71.1 : ...a carnage. So either they are waiting for a mage (I'm not sure Mithrun or his boyfriend's girlfriend can do that...) but there aren't that many, or Laios becomes the lord of the dungeon?

#Summary 7 : Too much to say and already said above. Thisle will be defeated and then what? Falin manages to defeat Laios? Or the power? I only see her or Mithrun to do that, sorry Marcille. Maybe resolving political conflicts ? (ngl it's good but less interesting than the rest...)

Ch71/72 : The lion made me uncomfortable damn I want to puke. I have to correct the names (╯°Д °)╯╧╧
Ch73/74 : I can't say if I like the covers of chapters 72 and 73 or if I hate them from the depths of my soul...
Aww fuck the elves or the lion is choosing between the plague and cholera
Ch75 : Honestly I'm just angry, damn Mithrun is it that hard to communicate and not attack people?! THERE ARE 2 GROUPS, 3 IF KABRU IS HIS OWN GROUP DAMN IT WAS NOT COMPLICATED Honestly, between Laios or Marcille, it was better that it was her. I always get weird vibes from him (not on the same level as the power of course but still), I think I will be uncomfortable about him until I finish the story
Ch76/77 : I hope it was actually evacuated otherwise lots of people will be crushed... Or eaten
Ch78/79 : Laios is such a walking disaster that no one suspects it might not be him
Ch80 : Uh Marcille what are you doing?

Summary #8 : They will have to defeat Marcille, and Laios will probably take her place

Ch81/82 : Marcille damn stop your bullshit
Ch83 : Fucking hell Marcille...
Ch84/85/86/87/88 : Laios, please prove that I was wrong about you all along. I want a happy end
Ch89/90/91 : I don't think I'm intelligent enough to understand the philosophical significance of what I'm reading. I just wanted to see people eating a chimera....
Ch91-97 : Who cares, I read it all at once

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