Duh I won't read that shit. It's already questionable to cheat on your spouse, but to have him murdered + your child? Wtf rotten one day rotten always

Man who kills his second spouse as he no longer as use for them?
Obviously next go round he will be in love with his sudden change of attitude and then wonder why he seems like a different person. And there will of course be dub-con as he will do whatever it talks to keep his beloved. and of course his beloved will fall for him and push out the first spouse who turns out, wasn't that nice and wasn't really the target of the kings affection.
Sooo Metatron wanted to fuck Gabriel, the condition was that he could make the child completely dependent on him
So Meta goes, pretending to be Gabriel
He gives his powers to the child (as a token of good faith ? Naah to know who is the creator of the child since it's not god)
Except that it ends up against him, the child surpasses him and sees through his memories too
Bruh Metatron
Gabriel knew the power (??) in the child would react, and the guinea pig had to be sent
So Gabriel, all happy, report this to Lucifer
I don't know if the adult version is the child, if there is a god, or who the creator is
I love seeing angels elsewhere than in the Bible without having read it, it's much more fun like that