ahhh i hate when the names are suddenly switched up to do translation differences ;-;-;-; i already suck with names
idk its kinda boring too but im reading it so... i was kinda hoping for a more "the keystone romantic combination" type story where its faster paced and i actually know what the characters are thinking but idk it's a baseball story and im gay so maybe i just dont understand?
Wait so is hayan trans or just a crossdresser??? Cus Jinhoo calls her his girlfriend but also says hes gay??? Is it a mistranslation or something?
its one of those things were hayan identifies herself as a girl but isnt genetically a girl so she (he) just crosdresses cause he not trans
idk if that made sense to u
Hayan is trans it’s pretty clear when she stresses the fact she had wish she was born a girl. Hayan jus hasn’t had any of the surgeries.