that wouldnt be weird cuz zeus is a hermaphrodite who luvs sex

Hermés answered question about make a picrew
Hermés answered question about make a picrew
Hermés answered question about question
bb my ass is fat it s like a fuckin tonka truck you dont know what you talkin bout bb you: me:

fuck poseidon he killed my bestie anyways his annoying ass dont deserve anything i hope he lives a worse fate than his half-blood child

Hermés created a topic of Serene bird

when i say jesus is fucking weird i mean it like how did that egyptians even win the trojan war like i know cleopatra was married to Ceasar but like when did zeus and romans die cuz i am so confused on the fact that chaos is my father

Hermés created a topic of The Titan's bride

i pretty much enjoy all beyoncé's songs but you see that song when i see you by fantasia comes on just know that i flooded china

Hermés answered question about wrote a fanfic
Person A: I’m gonna need a human skull and I can't have you ask any questions why. Person B: Only if you also don't ask why Person B: *Pulls out 7 pristine human skulls* Take your pick. Person A: Person B: Person A: This one is fine

you guys wanna know something, i hate aphrodite wven tho i have a child with her sometimes i just wanna kill her but i cant because that will hurt hermaproditus' heart and i cannot bare to see her in pain

Hermés created a topic of Playboy Beast

demeter's stupid daughter i hate her so much like yes i know she was kidnapped but she she really irks my godly flow of energy she is a half-blood she doesnt deserve such a highlife she deserves nothin

Hermés created a topic of Detain

my mother maia always told me that if a mirtal upsets me i should kill their entire family and curse them to live a lonely life until they die and that i should always keep my sacred lover hades in my good graces so i can make the peasants hate themselves even more in the depths of the underworld

why would i date elon musk??? no clue i just dont like john cena cuz he doesnt exist anyways lets talk about tesla and grimes fuck tesla i only like elo no for his looks

Hermés created a topic of Hoka Atatte Kudasai

if i ever die which will never happen i will first rob a bank but i will bever hide my identity cuz i am of course immortal so i can outlive the queen of england

Hermés created a topic of My Suha

the chances of me dying in the wilderness is very low but never zero so i can still die in the wilderness if i see fit anyways back to the point if i had a gun and god was in the same room as me id shoot god but that just means id have to off myself cuz im god and i mean thats not cool cuz i mean...

Hermés created a topic of How to Snag an Alpha

this game trash not gonna lie, like who let the gods do this is no one up there controlling this shit like this simulation trash as fuck not even satan can make this shit worse

Hermés answered question about online classes
i got florida man was trying to do fish cpr