chebushiʕʘʘʔ April 6, 2024 2:05 pm

no judgement but can you recommend me a manga or anything that is so freaking unholy and shitty but it makes you horny so you come back to it every time?

chebushiʕʘʘʔ March 27, 2024 4:11 am

hello i have been meaning to read avatar the last airbender in comics ( i already wtached the show) but i dont know where to start can you please give me the links in order of where i should start? thank youuu so muchh

    Sika March 27, 2024 4:58 am

    For my info there is a new avatar webtoon on the app webtoon where u can read for free, and for the comic try readcomiconline if not u have to buy

chebushiʕʘʘʔ March 5, 2024 1:59 am

HUHUHU i've always been what we call like an honor student but as soon as i reached senior i feel like im fading from the version i was before. this week is an exam week. today were taking online examination. and i made 9 mistakes in my first subject huhu and now im panicking cause i feel like i will fail. although its actually still my fault since i didn't really study huhu ( i chatgpt and googled all the questions) but still im so fucking disappointed in what im doing right now. please dont judge me hyuftguihg. i just feel like saying because i dont really have anyone whom i can share my thoughts with and i feel like i dont really have anyone who i can rant with and wont judge me or will comfort me.

    Koi ★☆ March 5, 2024 2:20 am

    don't worry, I can also relate to your situation but don't blame yourself! burnout happens and it's okay to feel that way, you're doing your best and that's all that matters. and I've sometimes felt like I'd fail too because I wasn't good at one subject, but don't let that worry you.

    what I do to help me is to just cool my head, then I search up tutorials to help me study and I try to not overthink! and if you still fail, then it's okay. it doesn't mean you're dumb or not good at it, just know that, okay?

    and I may not know you, but I believe in you, you got this! :)

    luci March 5, 2024 3:50 am

    Its okay, everyone experiences senioritis!
    Just lock in and study like ur getting paid U got this. It also helps when u pretend ur a teacher explaining the subject to a student

    NotAPrinter March 5, 2024 8:44 am

    things like this are bound to happen tbh, so don’t feel too bad and the main thing is to get back on track

    if you want to read advice then read the rest of my reply otherwise hope everything gets better

    what really helped me is blocking out a schedule and a routine, you’re going to be spartan running for weeks until you’re on track

    your old studying schedule? keep it, and continue to do current work that’s due or upcoming tests, and make sure you prioritise those, and then on spare time outside of the study sessions that’s when you should catch up on work you need, like old hurdletasks or for upcoming exams.

    but never prioritise old work for new one because you’ll always be behind then! just keep it up for a month or two and it’ll be alright! if it happens again then you know what to do. if you have issues with motivation and procrastination that’s another story and a different thing to fix after solving your honour student situation

    chebushiʕʘʘʔ March 7, 2024 4:05 pm

    thank you everyone!! im finally done with my exams and all i can say is that i just need to wait for the result
    s ( ̄∇ ̄") although were really basically stragers i just want to thank yall for being there, i feel happy that you guys actually responded to my message. i really feel happy and comforted in this website and its community

chebushiʕʘʘʔ February 8, 2024 12:36 pm

so i have this friend “ jane”, and we like the same person.
story time— it was like the first week of class and we were both walking home when we met liam, our classmate. so everything was just smooth cause we had a small conversation and all (the three of us). a few days after that jane and i are in the same team in a game, during practice jane told me she had a crush on liam and i was happy for her but then she told me that liam has a girlfriend and all cause we saw a pic with him and a girl while stalking his facebook, still she talked about how he was crush material, how he was top on his class, and how he won awards on robotics something.

i never really had a crush on liam, cause i honestly thought that he was gay (no offense) cause he was feminine and stuff. but then we got in the same research group together, and i was the leader. almost all of our members were bagage and liam was the only one i could depend on. we would always message each other because of our research, at first it was all research related until sometime we joked around and i got really comfortable around him.

and later then i realized that i got a small tiny crush for him (im shit i know). but then i pushed the thought away, but i realize that jane also got close with liam, and i feel like she has this jealous with me when im around liam, she would always use my phone to chat liam “hi liam” and stuff and she would also use liams phone to chat me “hi mia” and stuff.and that made me thought that they got close and that kinda hurt

i got really confused and i really felt shit cause i realized my feelings for him and i feel like (i did) broke the girl code. i really didnt intend for this to happen at all.

time skip, i think jane realized that i kinda like liam and she started i dont know acting out of jealousy, she would always stare at us whenever we talked and stuff. that was when i really decided to just stop.

i really did try to stop it. until i realized that i actually like him and things makes me confuse his actions, on the day of our research title defense, liam and i talked about things and it was when i confirmed that he actually has a girlfriend but then he told me they broke up, then i asked him about jane… i dont really remember but then the only thing i remember was when liam said “ jane would always come to me” (its kinda like that, but in our language) like i dont know.

jane actually is a leader like me however, she had her group disolve because of the stress from irresponsible members. ian (our smart classmate) got to her and comforted her. and me and liam were watching them from afar, i told liam “why dont you go to her” and he said something that goes like jane was out of her reach

    chebushiʕʘʘʔ February 8, 2024 12:37 pm

    that was were i was really sure that i would stop ( how many times did i say that i would stop) i honestly got kinda depressed? i dont know hahaha while writing this i kinda realize how i was just that one second lead that doesnt stand a chance

    chebushiʕʘʘʔ February 8, 2024 12:38 pm

    but right now i was on the process of moving forward but then he keeps on bugging me? ( i know its because maybe he treats me as a friend, but still give me some space to move forward) sometimes i feel like his giving me mix signals

    he would tell me that he accidentally got out of a quiz window because he was chatting me on messenger, he would joke with me because i wasnt used with my phone, he would (i dont know if im delulu) lean in a way that gives you butterflies whenever were talking and stuff

    but one thing is this week he started calling me “mia marie” during class and i told him that my second name was joy and he told me he likes how marie goes with my name ╥﹏╥ like please im in a phase of moving forward

    chebushiʕʘʘʔ February 8, 2024 12:39 pm

    another one is during our research (scope and limitations) and it was supposed to be passed on 11:59 i was totally cramming cause i still need to do my project on our other subject i told him that i was sorry cause i was still busy with my project ╥﹏╥

    but then he made our research all on his own huhu. i told him that i owe him and i will deffinitely help next time but all he said that it was fine cause it was just easy. and then he bid me good luck with my project and i said thank you but then after that i really felt like i want to confess huhu so i told him that i have something to tell him and then he kept on bugging me to tell him. but then i lost the courage so i said ill tell him next time, and he said that he bid me good luck so i should tell him so i told him you cant take away something that you said but then he bumped my message saying that i’ll tell him next time ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ i told him it wasnt important, he still persisted then i said you should sleep ge said “curiosity kills the cat” and then i said “good night” and he just said ok (huhu i was disappointed in myself cause i was really close to giving in)

    chebushiʕʘʘʔ February 8, 2024 12:47 pm

    but then morning came and everything just went fine until i was on my way home together with my friend lisa, she told ( her mouth slipped) me how ian said that liam was having a hard time because he was going through his club in the morning because they had an event and now his piled with to do’s and deadline and the research, and that jane had to to his part on our bcal project… that was when i really felt guilty but i also felt i donno uhm i was being delulu that he willingly took the task because i was busy with my project huhu ( yeah its still a group work so what his doing is also for himself but i just thought that maybee maybe he willingly took the task because i wasss busssyy)

    chebushiʕʘʘʔ February 8, 2024 12:47 pm

    so this is what happened im really confuse with my self and with him ╥﹏╥ i feel really guilty ( i know you must think im shit, and i promise im also thinking the same thing! but i swear i just cant stop myself huhu) i just wanna find i new crush and all but i cant move on

    Nish♡ February 8, 2024 12:50 pm

    Girl it's totally fine. I mean i understand the girl's code but you can't really control who you like. And honestly, you tried your best to make things go away, it's not your fault. Your friend isn't at fault either, cuz she liked him first and all but you're equally not at fault. I once had feelings for a guy but then my best friend started dating him (I never told her abt my feelings), though I love my bestie, I couldn't stop liking him either and out of fear I could never tell her. I was friends with the guy so ig she started getting jealous of us so in the end I had to break off any kind of contact with him (that was after like 2 years of pinning after him) so it'll take some time but don't let this get to you. I'm all good now (I've been dating my bf for 1+ year now) so I'm sure yours is just a phase too :) oh and, if liam doesn't seem interested in Jane then you defo should shoot your shot, just like you understood Jane,if she's your bff she should try to do it too.

    chebushiʕʘʘʔ February 8, 2024 12:55 pm
    so this is what happened im really confuse with my self and with him ╥﹏╥ i feel really guilty ( i know you must think im shit, and i promise im also thinking the same thing! but i swear i just cant stop ... chebushiʕʘʘʔ

    so right now im thinking of confessing huhu i donno i dont have any plns on getting in jane’s way i just really wanna get this out of my chest. i wanna be the mia who is a happy go lucky girl who had a crush on every guy she sees again ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    chebushiʕʘʘʔ February 8, 2024 1:00 pm
    Girl it's totally fine. I mean i understand the girl's code but you can't really control who you like. And honestly, you tried your best to make things go away, it's not your fault. Your friend isn't at fault e... Nish♡

    thanks girl, but the kinda problem is jane and i arent really that close ( we just know each other, i mean were friends but were not friends friends) . and i feel like shes the kinda person that will really pin on the person she likes and stuff, and this is what really scares me i dont want her to see me as an enemy or something, and i dont really have any kind of ulterior motives its just that things got unbalance that it lead to this situation

chebushiʕʘʘʔ February 8, 2024 6:32 am

so i have this friend “ jane”, and we like the same person.
story time— it was like the first week of class and we were both walking home when we met liam, our classmate. so everything was just smooth cause we had a small conversation and all (the three of us). a few days after that jane and i are in the same team in a game, during practice jane told me she had a crush on liam and i was happy for her but then she told me that liam has a girlfriend and all cause we saw a pic with him and a girl while stalking his facebook, still she talked about how he was crush material, how he was top on his class, and how he won awards on robotics something.

i never really had a crush on liam, cause i honestly thought that he was gay (no offense) cause he was feminine and stuff. but then we got in the same research group together, and i was the leader. almost all of our members were bagage and liam was the only one i could depend on. we would always message each other because of our research, at first it was all research related until sometime we joked around and i got really comfortable around him.

and later then i realized that i got a small tiny crush for him (im shit i know). but then i pushed the thought away, but i realize that jane also got close with liam, and i feel like she has this jealous with me when im around liam, she would always use my phone to chat liam “hi liam” and stuff and she would also use liams phone to chat me “hi mia” and stuff.and that made me thought that they got close and that kinda hurt

    chebushiʕʘʘʔ February 8, 2024 6:46 am

    i got really confused and i really felt shit cause i realized my feelings for him and i feel like (i did) broke the girl code. i really didnt intend for this to happen at all.

    time skip, i think jane realized that i kinda like liam and she started i dont know acting out of jealousy, she would always stare at us whenever we talked and stuff.

    ren ☆ February 8, 2024 6:54 am
    i got really confused and i really felt shit cause i realized my feelings for him and i feel like (i did) broke the girl code. i really didnt intend for this to happen at all. time skip, i think jane realized t... chebushiʕʘʘʔ

    i dont think its wrong at ALL to like your friends crush -- now, stealing your friends crush away is wrong. i personally believe that you shouldve distanced yourself from Liam for the sake of your friend. i dont know much about girl-code but i understand why Jane did what she did. its a pretty shitty thing to get close to ur friends crush. yall shouldve just kept the 'relationship' as research/project partners.

    tiger February 8, 2024 6:57 am

    choose who you value more who cares its not like their dating

    chebushiʕʘʘʔ February 8, 2024 7:21 am
    i got really confused and i really felt shit cause i realized my feelings for him and i feel like (i did) broke the girl code. i really didnt intend for this to happen at all. time skip, i think jane realized t... chebushiʕʘʘʔ

    that was when i really decided to just stop.

    Xiajun February 8, 2024 7:46 am

    if liam was her bf then it would have been wrong, nothing wrong with crushes, also since that guy is dating someone else, both your and your friend's feelings wont matter unless one of you actually breaks the girl code by trying to make a move on a taken guy

    tiger February 8, 2024 8:32 am
    if liam was her bf then it would have been wrong, nothing wrong with crushes, also since that guy is dating someone else, both your and your friend's feelings wont matter unless one of you actually breaks the g... Xiajun

    oopps i didnt read the taken part

    chebushiʕʘʘʔ February 8, 2024 11:51 am

    i really did try to stop it. until i realized that i actually like him and things makes me confuse his actions, on the day of our research title defense, liam and i talked about things and it was when i confirmed that he actually has a girlfriend but then he told me they broke up, then i asked him about jane… i dont really remember but then the only thing i remember was when liam said “ jane would always come to me” (its kinda like that, but in our language) like i dont know.

    jane actually is a leader like me however, she had her group disolve because of the stress from irresponsible members. ian (our smart classmate) got to her and comforted her. and me and liam were watching them from afar, i told liam “why dont you go to her” and he said something that goes like jane was out of her reach

    chebushiʕʘʘʔ February 8, 2024 11:53 am
    i really did try to stop it. until i realized that i actually like him and things makes me confuse his actions, on the day of our research title defense, liam and i talked about things and it was when i confirm... chebushiʕʘʘʔ

    that was were i was really sure that i would stop ( how many times did i say that i would stop) i honestly got kinda depressed? i dont know hahaha while writing this i kinda realize how i was just that one second lead that doesnt stand a chance

    chebushiʕʘʘʔ February 8, 2024 11:59 am
    that was were i was really sure that i would stop ( how many times did i say that i would stop) i honestly got kinda depressed? i dont know hahaha while writing this i kinda realize how i was just that one seco... chebushiʕʘʘʔ

    but right now i was on the process of moving forward but then he keeps on bugging me? ( i know its because maybe he treats me as a friend, but still give me some space to move forward) sometimes i feel like his giving me mix signals

    he would tell me that he accidentally got out of a quiz window because he was chatting me on messenger, he would joke with me because i wasnt used with my phone, he would (i dont know if im delulu) lean in a way that gives you butterflies whenever were talking and stuff

    but one thing is this week he started calling me “mia marie” during class and i told him that my second name was joy and he told me he likes how marie goes with my name ╥﹏╥ like please im in a phase of moving forward

    Xiajun February 8, 2024 12:16 pm
    but right now i was on the process of moving forward but then he keeps on bugging me? ( i know its because maybe he treats me as a friend, but still give me some space to move forward) sometimes i feel like his... chebushiʕʘʘʔ

    aww its sweet, if you want ill suggest you to just come clean with jane, if you think she will understand, have a talk where you both acknowledge and respect each other's crushes on him. having a girls talk never hurts if she's a girl's girl!

    chebushiʕʘʘʔ February 8, 2024 12:29 pm
    but right now i was on the process of moving forward but then he keeps on bugging me? ( i know its because maybe he treats me as a friend, but still give me some space to move forward) sometimes i feel like his... chebushiʕʘʘʔ

    another one is during our research (scope and limitations) and it was supposed to be passed on 11:59 i was totally cramming cause i still need to do my project on our other subject i told him that i was sorry cause i was still busy with my project ╥﹏╥

    but then he made our research all on his own huhu. i told him that i owe him and i will deffinitely help next time but all he said that it was fine cause it was just easy. and then he bid me good luck with my project and i said thank you but then after that i really felt like i want to confess huhu so i told him that i have something to tell him and then he kept on bugging me to tell him. but then i lost the courage so i said ill tell him next time, and he said that he bid me good luck so i should tell him so i told him you cant take away something that you said but then he bumped my message saying that i’ll tell him next time ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ i told him it wasnt important, he still persisted then i said you should sleep ge said “curiosity kills the cat” and then i said “good night” and he just said ok (huhu i was disappointed cause i was really close to giving in)

    tiger February 9, 2024 7:20 am
    another one is during our research (scope and limitations) and it was supposed to be passed on 11:59 i was totally cramming cause i still need to do my project on our other subject i told him that i was sorry c... chebushiʕʘʘʔ

    honestly some guys are just this nice dont be like me and get the wrong idea and ruin the friendship

    chebushiʕʘʘʔ February 9, 2024 8:06 am

    i'm thinking that maybe i just need to let this feeling out. I feel much much better now, i decided to keep all my thoughts to myself and not to expect any thing and also to keep the friendship HAHAHA thank you for your advice everyone

    tiger February 9, 2024 1:54 pm
    i'm thinking that maybe i just need to let this feeling out. I feel much much better now, i decided to keep all my thoughts to myself and not to expect any thing and also to keep the friendship HAHAHA thank you... chebushiʕʘʘʔ

    yea good on you real life isnt like books or movies sometimes its actully better to keep it to your self

chebushiʕʘʘʔ July 17, 2021 1:46 am

can anyone recommend me something like light & shadow? with strong female leads like literally strong?

chebushiʕʘʘʔ July 4, 2021 7:54 am

i don't really know if its a manga/manhwa/manhua but it only post art? like medieval arts? i probably don't make sense ksjsbs does anyone know?

chebushiʕʘʘʔ June 30, 2021 10:19 am

does anyone have 43-72 chapter of who made me a princess novel? and in which chapter does who made me a princess end in the novel?.. cause im trying to turn it into a book(๑•﹏•) but im having a hard time gathering its chapters

chebushiʕʘʘʔ June 25, 2021 4:53 am

can anyone share an illegal or legal site where i can read who made me a princess, i'll be the matriarch in this life etc. fully?

    Peachy June 25, 2021 5:12 am

    s2manga try here but I remember still ongoing but they update ( ̄∇ ̄")

    milfs<3 June 25, 2021 5:15 am

    i use manganato. it used to be called manganelo

    chebushiʕʘʘʔ June 26, 2021 5:49 am

    ofss i actually meant the novels do you guys know where you can read novels (of isekai storyetc.) ? thank you for answering a dumb question btw

chebushiʕʘʘʔ May 30, 2021 4:26 am

can someone tell me the difference of manga/manhua/manhwa? please? ヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノ

    Strawberry-kun May 30, 2021 4:29 am

    Manga is Japanese
    Manhwa is Korean
    Manhua is chineseヾ(☆▽☆)

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