I don’t really care what people say about yeul and Mari. People are straight up making it an issue in here like yeul’s a 30 year old guy. A 3 year gap isn’t really that big, it just looks big because of their level of education. If ever they really get together As long as they keep it clean and innocent I don’t really get the issue. The issue might be because Mari is still in elementary but it would be solved when she finally goes to high school.

chebushiʕʘʘʔ answered question about question
I'm currently in 11th grade rn. I discovered this site maybe about 6th grade HAHAHA then officially joined around 9th or 8th grade. As a student I can say that I'm average. I don't really have any failing grades( although my basic calculus sucks and a little bit for chemistry but at least I got a hundred in DRARR.) As for clubs, I join clubs and st......

I guess I’m the very first one to read the update HAHAHHA thank god i stayed a little while to re read some parts in this HAHAHHAA(๑•ㅂ•)و✧

chebushiʕʘʘʔ created a topic of Eleceed

Bro fucked up so BAD ☠☠ like why would you sent a letter asking for a fight written like your in Love but i kinda want them together HAHAHA

FINALLY!! thank you so much uploaderr. your such a blessing to us readers

Please someone out there. Please pick this up IM BEGGING YOU

chebushiʕʘʘʔ asked a question

no judgement but can you recommend me a manga or anything that is so freaking unholy and shitty but it makes you horny so you come back to it every time?


hello is this worth reading? i’ve been planning to read this for a very long time

I can help you kill your friends.Strange dungeons have started appearing all over the world and wrea...

  • Author: 도해늘
  • Genres: Webtoons / Shounen / Yaoi / Action / Fantasy / Romance

i freaking love this!!! i love hyeon’s devotion towards yiseon. you can totally see how caring, attentive and loving he was towards yiseon (although he percieved it as an “act”) on his healing journey. bitch i suggest a re read

i freaking love this!!! i love hyeon’s devotion towards yiseon. you can totally see how caring, attentive and loving he was towards yiseon (although he percieved it as an “act”) on his healing journey

chebushiʕʘʘʔ asked a question

hello i have been meaning to read avatar the last airbender in comics ( i already wtached the show) but i dont know where to start can you please give me the links in order of where i should start? thank youuu so muchh

chebushiʕʘʘʔ asked a question

HUHUHU i've always been what we call like an honor student but as soon as i reached senior i feel like im fading from the version i was before. this week is an exam week. today were taking online examination. and i made 9 mistakes in my first subject huhu and now im panicking cause i feel like i will fail. although its actually still my fault since i didn't really study huhu ( i chatgpt and googled all the questions) but still im so fucking disappointed in what im doing right now. please dont judge me hyuftguihg. i just feel like saying because i dont really have anyone whom i can share my thoughts with and i feel like i dont really have anyone who i can rant with and wont judge me or will comfort me.

can someone please please please recommend me something like this(๑•ㅂ•)و✧

chebushiʕʘʘʔ asked a question

so i have this friend “ jane”, and we like the same person.
story time— it was like the first week of class and we were both walking home when we met liam, our classmate. so everything was just smooth cause we had a small conversation and all (the three of us). a few days after that jane and i are in the same team in a game, during practice jane told me she had a crush on liam and i was happy for her but then she told me that liam has a girlfriend and all cause we saw a pic with him and a girl while stalking his facebook, still she talked about how he was crush material, how he was top on his class, and how he won awards on robotics something.

i never really had a crush on liam, cause i honestly thought that he was gay (no offense) cause he was feminine and stuff. but then we got in the same research group together, and i was the leader. almost all of our members were bagage and liam was the only one i could depend on. we would always message each other because of our research, at first it was all research related until sometime we joked around and i got really comfortable around him.

and later then i realized that i got a small tiny crush for him (im shit i know). but then i pushed the thought away, but i realize that jane also got close with liam, and i feel like she has this jealous with me when im around liam, she would always use my phone to chat liam “hi liam” and stuff and she would also use liams phone to chat me “hi mia” and stuff.and that made me thought that they got close and that kinda hurt

i got really confused and i really felt shit cause i realized my feelings for him and i feel like (i did) broke the girl code. i really didnt intend for this to happen at all.

time skip, i think jane realized that i kinda like liam and she started i dont know acting out of jealousy, she would always stare at us whenever we talked and stuff. that was when i really decided to just stop.

i really did try to stop it. until i realized that i actually like him and things makes me confuse his actions, on the day of our research title defense, liam and i talked about things and it was when i confirmed that he actually has a girlfriend but then he told me they broke up, then i asked him about jane… i dont really remember but then the only thing i remember was when liam said “ jane would always come to me” (its kinda like that, but in our language) like i dont know.

jane actually is a leader like me however, she had her group disolve because of the stress from irresponsible members. ian (our smart classmate) got to her and comforted her. and me and liam were watching them from afar, i told liam “why dont you go to her” and he said something that goes like jane was out of her reach

chebushiʕʘʘʔ asked a question

so i have this friend “ jane”, and we like the same person.
story time— it was like the first week of class and we were both walking home when we met liam, our classmate. so everything was just smooth cause we had a small conversation and all (the three of us). a few days after that jane and i are in the same team in a game, during practice jane told me she had a crush on liam and i was happy for her but then she told me that liam has a girlfriend and all cause we saw a pic with him and a girl while stalking his facebook, still she talked about how he was crush material, how he was top on his class, and how he won awards on robotics something.

i never really had a crush on liam, cause i honestly thought that he was gay (no offense) cause he was feminine and stuff. but then we got in the same research group together, and i was the leader. almost all of our members were bagage and liam was the only one i could depend on. we would always message each other because of our research, at first it was all research related until sometime we joked around and i got really comfortable around him.

and later then i realized that i got a small tiny crush for him (im shit i know). but then i pushed the thought away, but i realize that jane also got close with liam, and i feel like she has this jealous with me when im around liam, she would always use my phone to chat liam “hi liam” and stuff and she would also use liams phone to chat me “hi mia” and stuff.and that made me thought that they got close and that kinda hurt