Wait Sherry called him hyung wtf???

Actually if you watch Korean TV shows or have Korean friends, it was not that weird.
For them Hyung or Oppa is alright. As long as you still being polite, not saying it as mocking or anything. It is just more like "usual" if you talk about the rule between man to man or woman to man.
I can't explain properly because I am not Korean. But I've seen some Korean women call their close Oppa as Hyung from time to times. And they were okay and not feeling anything weird at all

Sure does seem a bit to panicky at some places and running away from reality in a situation where it'll only postpone something and even maybe make the situation worse, but he really is walking on a thin wire. (At least in his mind) And there is the minor plot hole of not talking about how Vasya should/ will treat his aquaintances, but that can mostly be explained by Yoon assuming that it'll only make the situation worse/ he won't listen to him. After all he'll have to bring up Kay, and that's something he maybe wants to avoid. I also thought he should've expected to be trailed and watched, but it didn't seem like Vasya had been doing that so far, with him not recognizing Chris. Overall he mostly does what needs to be done and is overly cautious, which is good. He just really didn't realize how strongly Vasya felt about him.
Can someone tell me, does the tanslation and cropping get better?
Yea it does