Hi! I temporarily dropped this at chapter 18 for another more light-hearted shounen ai but now, I'm a little ready to continue the drama. Can you tell me if the seme is treating the uke like a trash in the latest chapters? Or maybe spoil me if the uke is somewhat framed and the seme blames him about it without knowing the truth or the likes? Because in chapter 18, I remember that seme is already protecting him and treating him a little fair. Thank you!!!

OMG!!! Yes the seme is treating the uke like utter trash!! Only in recent chaps does he get better. But before....Bruh he doesn't even listen or wait for the uke to explain cuz of which their whole ass relationship mixed with the mud. And like the uke has had enough so he finally leaves and then his mom dies and then he takes poison but he lives and now he can speak.

Hey, just a question. Currently on chapter 27 and i'm suspecting dion. Does dion likes her sister in 'that' way?

it's more like toxic obsession towards something that makes you feel amused, her brother got some weird personality liking how she cries and strives to survive when she's just a bug in the family, she intrigueds him so kinda a bit siscom in the bad way, but i guess the innuendo's a bit on the in**st type hahaha

For those who know ms. snail (yes, only those who know and has a way and interested to know her), her blog is open again. You can read dream-like lie there and it's already finished ending with 65 chapters. Please don't attempt to upload the stolen translations here again. And I will not fucking share the link, okay? And don't you dare reply the link as well because i deleted my previous comment because someone shared the link. The translator doesn't want her link to be shared. And oh, don't call me selfish because i posted this to make some readers aware of the blog reopening. Don't worry, for those who doesn't know about this issue or what, i will somehow help you access that but not directly. Only those who are patient will successfully know the blog. Search "Title + Chapter(Note: the blog will not appear if you search for the wrong chapter no. so as i said, be patient and look for the right terms) + Blog____(there are only a few blogging sites that starts with this word so it's quite easy to know what blog site i'm referring to if you're patient)."
Is the painter not only stolen paintings but also raped? Someone said that's it's the case in facebook.
Yes he was abused by the gross old man