Woah, his eyes...are beautiful!! Is it the eyeliner?? Should men wear more eyeliner?? Cause dang those eyes!!

This is so funnyy, as a whole but the last chapter, oh the guy has got a point, it is dangerous for the "righteous" sects if it's deemed this way, oh man TwT

Girl, I remember so many people as I was young, "teaching" me disgusting stuff that I should've never known at the time, just cause they were angry I was so innocent, sigh, ppl like her sicken me.
Poor fishes too, and the small baby, ha...had literal adults act in an awful manner towards me as a kid just like her tsk, yes physically abusive too, teachers included, family, hah, I can't believe they wouldn't leave a 5 yo alone.

Aaww Kyyylleee!!!! aahhhh hate the Prince, can't call him her bro anymore cause he has never been a sibling to her, let alone a good one, only her dad is good family to her, so yep, she only has her father and Kyle for me from now on, Prince is talking trash.

Good uncle!! Also..I mean..let's just destroy the temple, seriously I'm so fucking tired of all these stories having the same plot, just break everything, save the day and finally focus on the fuckig romance and good family vibes, sigh, will they ever be a historical manhwa with actual romance that doesn't start with tragedy first? Or isn't filled with drama, all the drama always has such obvious answers, even IRL I can get solutions so fucking easily, that's it, I don't want to read anything boring like this anymore, it's frustrating, always the same "problem" that has billions of easy peasy solutions but they refuse to make it cause of some plot that they can't tweak apparenrly? The author should be able to do everything tho, sigh. Tired of this already, give me the good nice easy stories, where smart characters find solutions instead of bringing in more troubles and adding onto the "problems" tsk. (Not directed at this, just the temple "arc" let's say, haa again, how many times has it been already? How many many was, shoujo, shonen, seinen, jousei combined!!)

The first manhwa where the butterfly effect actually causes problems ToT oh, ah I hope he's gonna be alright waaahhh

So good, Eunwoo's soft expression as he sides with her, and her trusting eyes as she leans into his embrace, damn..this is love.

Woah, man..this story just has a way of, ugh I love it
Srsly so good, ugh, it's scratching a certain itch I didn't know I had, it's so good, gimme my Beaom Tea-Ha
Seriously, this dude, his face is so good looking I literally just keep going and his stare OMG, the way he is, he looks at her. The way his eyes are when he thinks of her, the fact she's all he thinks about, I agh!! And she's so good too, for the first time I actually find a girl character attractive even for smut, not just pretty or cute, but actually hot, and without her having to be naked for it, finally they both wear clothes, TwT I like it this way, so much more attractive, focused on the story, the plot, between them two, ah I love it!! I love this!! Storyyy!!

Wow, so I hope all of this is actually real and it's changing for the better!

Gongja bullying the elderly TwT
Aegim feels like such a victim rn, like bro sold his own name, his life his every second every mili second, to save the human race, and his reward is to get hated on for the curses the constellations decided to out as they died, like how is that his fault? They put the curse not him sure he didn't proof read but he has so much work to do, so many constellations, it's been more than 50 years already and he still is going, it's a lot for the poor guy bro, give him a break instead of making him tired and giving him more work TwT

Brooo you just gave him his way, the way he could get to your love uwu

This story is so interesting, literally got 2 notifs for like 60 more manga/webtoon, yet i only read this one, the only one that's managed to keep my interest, it isnt cliche, idk what will happen and i actually want to know, it feels pleasant, like it's a gopd thing to know, which it is, unlike the others where they stress you and try make you cry or whatever, always the same senseless sh, this one right here is so different, yet he still has many challenges, but it just seems like he's the type who'll take it easy, one step at a time, progressing slowly and well, and he doesnt need spotlight, when he's got to hidd he's doing it well, so good seriously, he's just mature finally! An actual adult, yay! And the relations with the girls arent forced, like with Lucy, she simply spends her time with him, they respect each other and their boundaries, doing their own thing, feeling peaceful, passing some time together, each with their own things to deal with in their minds, haa ofc lets be for real, Ed would be popular irl, he's the type of guy i'd want to, so it's not surprising they like him, it's natural, he is loveable. He's caring, respectful, mature, super healthy, intelligent, does his best, hard worker, he's driven, provides for himself for his survival even when the odds were against him, he's so good, such a cool, calm amd collected characted haa~~ ...am i justifying being a simP? Highly probably, i have been lacking sleep for days TwT good niight

...she never says she lives him, she never feels like she thinks of him as a person, always only focused on herself, how selfish, not even asking him how was his day or what he did? Not being happy for him when he's with his pals, tsk, is this even a relationship anymore? Poor guy, he's so kind too, told her all she wants to know, apologized first when he wasn't wrong at all, like she just got all self conscious on her own, without him saying or doing anything, he's just happy enjoying his time by her side, and she...sigh, he's so kind he can't badmouth his ex and to her that's a warning sign? That's toxic, gal. Gotta work on yourself, or maybe she should realise she should only date after healing herself, she definitely isn't in the right mindset for a relationship,I feel like she would be paranoid with her friends too, I had a friend like that, she was so abusive, jealous, like let me breathe? And let me sleep? Calling at 4am, even stalking me, ugh, people like this are horrible and no one should be on her side just cause this story for now is from her perspective, if she could, she'd probably put a GPS on the bf, poor dude. even hanging with his pals and it will turn to torture cause of her, she's just trying to isolate him so he only has her, she guilt trips him all the time too, tsk tsk, classic narcissistic abuse, I mean did she ever think of him? Of what's good for him? Nah, she's too busy abusing him, if he cheats or runs away from her, Im okay with it, I despise cheaters, but he probably couldn't even break up from fear of her reaction, sigh, so toxic, poor guy.