I love this. It is such a good plot and it's freaking crazy insanity but every time I get to the damn rape I cringe just like how I cringed when he shoved the fucking dildo in dry. I was screaming internally. Other than that I freaking love it. Also, just my two cents, I really only think the problem with displaying rape in yaoi is that they display it as rape equals love and never fully have like a "oh this isn't cool I'm escaping from you know or leaving"(which like never happens) other than that it's just a plot addition.
I need as many people as possible to e xplain what happened and the effect it will have because i am soooo confused thanks.
What do you want explained? I will gladly help you out!
The whole no more window beyond window thing
Do you remember how Yubin said his air conditioner wasn't working making his room hot? Ginu said he could stay at his place if he needed, which Yubin did. As you should know, that is when they started "practicing to do it". Although there were many chances he had to fix his air conditioner, he kept putting it off as he wanted to stay with Ginu. As time passes, he practically starts living with Ginu. Yubin should be in the clear for now, but he still will have to pay his rent, besides Ginu already hinted in that Yubin is staying with him not just because his air conditioner is broken. The whole point of the title is how they were connected by the two windows of their places next to wach other.
I'm sorry if I didn't answer your question exactly, but I hope what I told you helps you the tiniest bit out! If you have any more questions feel free to ask!
Next to *each* other.
Well, the two guys have been in love with eachother since they were very young, but because of rampant homophobia & sad failed attempts at dating women causing misunderstandings, they'e never confessed to eachother.
Yubin became aware he was gay first & bought a toy. Ginu was not sure about his sexual identity until he realized that seeing a guy masturbate turned him on & that he couldn't get-it-up for a woman.
Yubin is a tsundere, so he is very easily embarrassed & cares more about how he could potentially be perceived by others that what makes him comfortable & happy. Tsunderes will never admit when they actually enjoy something because they're so stubborn & set in their ways. The way that they angry react is a huge turn-on for semes that makes them want to tease them even more.
Well put likalaruka!
Um, I'm pretty sure OP was asking about the controversy regarding the authors and mangago and why there would be no further updates on this website, not the actual story.
That is in fact correct
Sorry. ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄
I had a feeling that I wasn't answering your question. That makes sense, now I'm embarrassed.
Don't be it happens fam
Thank you. I appreciate the kind words.