The first time I ever see a black woman (not just a "dark skin" character) and its in a situation like this? really? aw ok #dropped won't catch me reading this bullshit.

Ditto. Although, I am white, so I also apologize for the white woman's ignorant ass.

If it makes you uncomfortable to see that behaviour then you're welcome to drop it, but to call the manhwa bullshit for realistically portraying racism is a bit childish. I'm Asian so should I drop it after seeing that Conor suffered from a racially-motivated hate crime? No, because this stuff really happens and the story is clearly trying to tackle these sort of problems.
In this instance, the girl didn't get equal treatment to Connor and as it turns out, this is racially motivated. This is really insightful because a lot of people wouldn't have picked up on that and how bad workplace discrimination still is. Also, this is a manhwa. In South Korea not a lot is known about how Black people are discriminated against - portraying this behaviour and showing how bad it is, the sort of effect it has on people's lives, helps to raise awareness on the subject. I'm really surprised by how socially aware the author is to write that in. So yes, I get that you might not want to see this stuff but that absolutely does not mean it is bullshit when it's actually very progressive and successfully dealing with such a difficult topic.

Yea no I never thought the author was racist im just not going to read this shit after seeing how the first ever black girl I ever see in a manga is treated. Whites are in manga all the time and its never like this. So pardon me for expecting something different. I already said that I get that she was making it realistic, but I'll drop it if I want to.

Yea I already get her purpose for it, I'm calling it bullshit because whites are in manga all the time and its never like this. They're hardly discriminated against and even love interest. The same goes for black male characters in manga. Excuse me for expecting the first black female to be in a different non-racial situation. THAT is what's bullshit.

I never said that you said the author was racist lmfao. Also, this is a manhwa and not a manga. If it's manga you want to talk about, I've seen many black characters in manga and anime so if you'd like I can recommend you a few with more positive representation. ^^ For example Michiko to Hatchin, the protagonist is a Brazilian woman who is mixed West African, European and Native Brazilian. Two out of three of the main cast are black women (the second is Zambo), the third is a little girl they adopt. In Tiger and Bunny, Nathan Seymour is a black nonbinary person who identifies somewhat as a woman and she's incredibly well-written and dynamic. You should really watch both of those. Oh and April from Darker than Black! Her powers are really cool and she has such a beautiful character design. As for the reason white people in anime and manga aren't mistreated - well, are they discriminated this harshly irl? Nope. It's sad but true, they have a strange monopoly on the world.
Japan is a very homogenous society so it's a slow shift but it's definitely happening so be patient. Even I get sick and tired of seeing a lot of imperialist content/racist stereotypes in anime and manga as a Chinese person and it won't change anytime soon so at the very least, black people are getting more representation which I'm really happy to see. Anyways, I said it's fine for you to not want to read it but this sort of narrative is important too. I never told you not to drop it. I SPECIFICALLY opened with "If it makes you uncomfortable to see that behaviour then you're welcome to drop it". All I wanted to do was to point out to you that the story isn't garbage just because it isn't your cup of tea or something you want to see (which is absolutely fine), and hopefully show you how its narrative could be worthwhile to help educate others and portray the discrimination/inequality in the entertainment industry against Black people. I by no means want to force you to read it, it doesn't affect me whether you do or don't.

Woaaa, i like the way @sasakihaise think XD i tired seeing people called some manhwa bullshit and being pissed with the author just because some characters not act like the way they expected //sigh
Personally i don't know why people triggered because the manager said "nigga" is that a bad word or something? and if she a racist so what? i mean clearly in the manhwa she is the antagonist so make her look bad is part of the story //sigh// i don't want to offend anyone but please don't get triggered and offended so easily.
And i actually read many manga that white people being discriminated. You can see it in historical manga, where white people and especially half blood being treated like trash and slave. For example http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/hanamachi_monogatari_hatsuzakura_mau_yoru_no_shitone/ and http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/tourou_no_ori/ (one of the character is a half blood and being discriminated). But no one complain on how they were treated, why? because it's realistic. In the past japanesse people treated foreign really bad. And honestly we don't really know what timeline this manhwa use, maybe this manhwa use timeline where people still racist and homophobe? like ummm i dunno 80's or 70's?

I'd be like "wtf no" too if my boyfriend asked me to play with his ass.. like??? Anal is fun in theory, but definitely not in actual practice in my opinion lmao.

Same here. I'd be like sorry hun, but if you feel like experimenting you better do that in your own time by yourself without me around because i ain't doing that for you. Like no thanks. If other people are into that, cool.. me? Nahh.

I feel bad for him, but I hope the mom does take him away so he can grow up properly. It would be a shame for this to take THAT kind of turn *shivers in disgust* the kiss was a little too much already; His classmates should have known better than to leave him with him.

I got u..even though the omega is suffering but I would find it crazy to make the alpha top him the way he is now,he is just a kid..I hope they let him grow,at least 17 years old.
I wouldn't mind if this got turned into an anime
I think that l would download every episode and never delete it (⌒▽⌒)
And l think that Rum will be the uke(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
Yea its pretty obvious that Rum is the uke even without seeing the spoilers which confirm that Rum is the uke.
Yess l really can't image Ginger being the uke