Title Update Recommend
1 A Album(33) 2025-02-22 0
1 A smutty stack (105) 2025-02-04 0
1 Recommendations and I forgot bout these(200) 2025-01-06 0
1 a new want to read list (160) 2025-02-02 0
1 b Manga Plaza(3) 2025-02-09 0
2 "traditional" Mnga/Mnha/Mnwa(1) 2025-01-06 0
2 Recommendations and I forgot about these(99) 2025-02-02 0
2 be sorted(168) 2025-01-06 0
2nd time round love (0) 2024-09-28 0
3 it’s all (9) 2025-01-05 0
4 idk fo sho(20) 2025-01-16 0
Adoption and Fostering (2) 2024-09-30 0
AllGenres Adopt-A-Parent Adopt-A-Child
Awakeners Espers, Class and Rank Powers (0) 2024-09-28 0
Mgc-Awknr/Espr Ma/C-Awknr/Espr Dp/B-Awknr/Espr Co-Awknr/Espr CP-Awknr/Espr
BDSM Handbook(0) 2024-09-28 0
Bdsm Fetish
BDSM Handbook for the (0) 2024-09-28 0
Campus Couples(0) 2024-09-28 0
Rom College
Chosen One/Hero(0) 2024-09-28 0
Co-Mgc Co-Ma/C Co-WpnChc Co-Test Co-Smnd
Chosen One/Hero RITR(0) 2024-09-28 0
Contracts contracts and more contracts (0) 2024-09-28 0
Cp-Dmn Cp-Spnsr Cp-Cnstltn Cp-God Cp-Drgn
Divine Power and Blessings(0) 2024-09-28 0
Dp/B-Snt/Snts Dp/B-Pldn Dp/B-Prst Dp/B-Stgmta
Dungeons Towers and Gates Oh My!?(2) 2024-12-29 0
Dungeons Towers and Gates meet Systems and Leveling(0) 2024-09-28 0
Dungeons Towers and Gates oh my RITR(1) 2024-09-29 0
End of the world bitches (0) 2024-09-28 0
Apo Papo
Gay(200) 2024-09-19 0
Gay pt 2(200) 2024-09-19 0
Gay pt 3(52) 2024-09-19 0
Ghosts Goblins Ghouls and More (0) 2024-09-28 0
Sup AllSubGenre
HR Where U At?!(0) 2024-09-28 0
Rom Office
HR Where are u at!? (0) 2024-09-28 0
BL GL Rom Office
Here’s to trying to save the entire world(1) 2024-09-29 0
I do what I want (0) 2024-09-28 0
Mixed Genres Chilling
Just cute shit to melt our frozen hearts(0) 2024-09-28 0
Rom Cute
Killing it 1st time round (0) 2024-09-28 0
Love but Spoopy(1) 2024-12-29 0
Rom Sup Fate Red String
MFing Basket Case(0) 2024-09-28 0
Drk Trgd Psy Dma Basket Case
Magic Mana alchemy engineering, artificers, smithing elementals, spirits and related powers(0) 2024-09-28 0
Mgc-Wtch/Wzrd Mgc-Elmt/Sprt Mgc-Alc/MgcEng Mgc-MgcSwd Mgc-Smnr/DrkMgc
Magic Mana…….etc RITR(0) 2024-09-28 0
Martial Arts Ki Saord Arts Aura Weapon Skills and related Powers(3) 2025-01-05 0
Ma/C-Swd Ma/C-Spr Ma/C-Arch Ma/C-Fsts Ma/C-Shld
Martial Arts Ki ……. EtC. RITR(1) 2024-12-24 0
Mostly smut spoopy (3) 2024-12-29 0
Move from here(11) 2024-12-29 0
PROTEC THE CHILDREN pls..(0) 2024-09-28 0
Promo BS(1) 2024-09-28 0
Pure Joy The Feel Goods(1) 2024-10-03 0
Com Sol Rom Pure Joy
RITR Extras (0) 2024-09-28 0
NvlE GmE Extras
RITR I accidentally!? fcked the Plot?!(0) 2024-09-28 0
Whoops NvlV/NvlE GmV/GmE
RITR I’m the Protagonist/MC ?!?!!(0) 2024-09-28 0
NvlP GmP Protagonist Main Character M
RITR MIX(2) 2024-12-29 0
RITR Raising/fixing the Ml/Fl to be better mostly I hope….(0) 2024-09-28 0
FixML/FL RaiseML/FL Nvl Gm
RITR Saving my Family(1) 2024-12-24 0
Savfam RaisFam
RITR all the Villains and Villainesses(0) 2024-09-28 0
NvlV GmV Villain Villainess
RITR change my life (0) 2024-09-28 0
CmL CtE StW CmLBye EtW
RITR it’s Payback time bitch (0) 2024-09-28 0
CmlRev ETW
Romance and Drama (1) 2024-09-29 0
Rom Dma AllSubGenre
Saint(ess)s Preists and Paladins RITR(0) 2024-09-28 0
Saint(ess)s, Priests and Paladins (0) 2024-09-28 0
Dp/B-Snt Dp/B-Prst Dp/B-Pldn Dp/B-Awknr/Espr Dp/B-Stgmta
School days(0) 2024-09-28 0
School Days Sol Com Rom
Shamans and Exorcists..(0) 2024-09-28 0
Dp/B-Shmn Dp/B-Xrcst
Sign here please.. Contract Marriages and Lovers(0) 2024-09-28 0
ContractLover ContractMarriage Rom
System and Leveling (0) 2024-09-28 0
Sys/Lvl-IRL Sys/Lvl-Gm
These need to simmer(27) 2025-02-03 0
Through the many Verses (0) 2024-09-28 0
DS CE Guideverse Omegaverse Hybrids
To become albums? (1) 2025-02-22 0
Toxic Assssssssss Relationships (1) 2025-01-05 0
Toxic Dma Drk Trdg
Toxic Relationships(0) 2024-09-28 0
Toxic Drm Trgd Drk Psy
VR Stream Game(0) 2024-09-28 0
VR/Stream Game RITR(0) 2024-09-28 0
VR/Stream/Game Action/Adventure(0) 2024-09-28 0
VR/PC Act Adv
VR/Stream/Game Exploring/Hobbies/Jobs(0) 2024-09-28 0
Chilling VR/PC
Whodunnit Mystery n Thrillers(0) 2024-09-28 0
Myst Thrll AllSubGenre
“Everyday Life” RITR Skilled Professionals(0) 2024-09-28 0
PL-Knwldg Day to day life Regular (ish) Jo
“Everyday” Life skilled Professionals(0) 2024-09-28 0