Title Update Recommend
1st Tier (Yaoi)(86) 2022-11-24 0
2nd Tier (Yaoi)(92) 2022-01-10 0
3rd Tier (Yaoi)(28) 2021-09-24 0
A Oldies but Goodies?(154) 2023-03-07 0
Completed Romance Webtoons(151) 2023-04-29 0
Death & Mystery with a tinge of bromance(3) 2023-03-21 0
Harlequin(199) 2021-10-30 0
Harlequin Pt. 2(199) 2021-09-07 0
Harlequin Pt. 3(199) 2021-10-30 0
Harlequin Pt. 4(199) 2021-10-30 0
Harlequin Pt. 5(199) 2021-10-30 0
Harlequin Pt. 6(41) 2023-05-09 0
Imperial (Mangas)(130) 2023-12-13 0
Imperial (Rebirth, Reincarnation, Time Travel, Transmigration)(173) 2024-02-17 2
Rebirth Reincarnation Time Travel Transmigration Royalty
Imperial (Rebirth, Reincarnation, Time Travel, Transmigration) - Complete(189) 2024-02-17 1
Reincarnation Time Travel Royalty Transmigration Rebirth
Imperial Pt. 2 (Less than 60 chapters) (185) 2024-07-18 0
Imperial with Male MCs (Rebirth, Reincarnation, Regression, Time Travel, Transmigration)(199) 2024-06-20 1
Action OP
Imperial with Male MCs (Rebirth, Reincarnation, Regression, Time Travel, Transmigration) - Completed(26) 2024-02-03 0
Josei/Smut(36) 2023-12-13 0
Kemono Series (19) 2022-04-27 0
LGBT Parenthood (Yaoi)(62) 2023-02-01 0
Multiple Stories/One Shots(163) 2023-04-08 0
Omegaverse/Mpreg(117) 2024-07-07 0
Ongoing Romance Webtoons(72) 2024-04-16 0
Romance/Shoujo(178) 2024-01-26 0
School Life (Yaoi)(67) 2023-01-24 0
Smut (Yaoi)(56) 2023-12-10 0
Supernatural - Gods/Demons/Magical Creatures(124) 2023-04-08 0
TBR(198) 2023-07-30 0
Unrequited Love(15) 2023-04-08 0
Unsorted(71) 2024-05-18 0
Warui Series (Sakuraga Mei)(17) 2021-04-11 0
Webtoons (Yaoi) Completed Pt. 1 - >/100 Chapters(56) 2023-10-16 0
Webtoons (Yaoi) Completed Pt. 2 - 61-100 Chapters(156) 2024-07-20 0
Webtoons (Yaoi) Completed Pt. 3 - 45-60 Chapters(97) 2024-07-20 0
Webtoons (Yaoi) Completed Pt. 4 - 45 Chapters or less(184) 2024-07-20 0
Webtoons (Yaoi) Ongoing (Over 50 Ch.)(194) 2024-07-20 0
Webtoons (Yaoi) Ongoing Pt. 2 (Up to 50 Ch.)(126) 2024-06-29 0
Yandere(34) 2021-09-23 0