He’s so stupid and cute I need to see him destroyed
A collection of BL MPREG manhwas/manhuas/mangas that meet MOST of my criteria, curated specifically for this trope: with visible belly (bump), with mpreg smut scene, with birth scene, and with baby. Added overview: if colored or black & white, if completed/ongoing at what chapter, omegaverse or not, and if plot-wise recommended.
#47 to 66: ONGOING/COMPLETED RAWS (mpreg happened already in mgg/raws)
#67 to 73: No mpreg stuff yet but based on the novel, there will be.
LETS GO BABY THIS IS WHAT IM TALKIN BOUT!!! Pathetic older brother x obsessed younger brother my beloved
Toxic yaoi my beloved, my problematic favs are them no one is doing it like them atm very excited for more and I need to pick up the novel
Waaa the extras were so cuteee, especially the maid one :3c I’m super duper excited to see where this goes, we must trust the process
Mayhaps I am alone in this but I think the only real way for both Ian and TJ to heal is to not end up together they love each other clearly but their relationship is so unhealthy it’s only hurting each other more. Probs gonna wait till this is completed to finish cuz love triangles give me headaches
THIRD VOLUME OMG, thus is my favorite work by Akabeko I’m so happyyyyy I def need 2 by the physical volumes at some point soon
Man I hope the translator doesn’t drop it cuz this troll uploader, this is filling the vashwood hole in my heart
Man I love this so far, the plot is super cool and I love when things are named after flowers lol. The main pair is also cute and I love a self centered seme who has a soft spot for their special someone. Very curious about why uke is so important, very good so far tho can’t wait for more!!!
Neither of them were good for each other, their relationship was toxic as hell this is the best for both of them imo, if DH rly wants to get better he needs to be away from all the ppl he’s hurt and acting heal/work on himself, and best friend should have never even been involved with this dude.
Can yall stop saying this has “cp”(the proper term is also csem) cuz it literally doesn’t, csem is ILLEGAL like puts you on a list and FBI comes for you illegal, this IS NOT, comparing real life sexual abuse of children to drawings of fake characters is insane and gross. You can dislike the story all you want(no one’s making u read it) but claiming this has CSEM is gross and wrong plz educate urself
Apparently red head didn’t get together with best friend and tbh I think that’s for the best, if he wants to improve himself he should remove himself from anyone related to the ppl he’s hurt until he’s no longer a POS lol
OMG IS IT TIME!!! They are soo cute I hope we finally get to see em get steamy
Hope someone posts the second half! It’s on MRM tho if anyone’s curious
I am thoroughly enjoying this toxic relationship and I rly hope it doesn’t get a “oops they actually do fall in love and everything is better” ending it would be such a cop out, DH is an asshole and he continues to be a shitty person, his romantic feelings won’t suddenly fix is bad personality and it’s not Silo’s job to fix him either. Praying for his downfall but in a fun way where I can watch him have a terrible time