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134340 March 2, 2025 11:14 pm

Seems like Dan have a sleepwalking disorder huh?:((

134340 February 16, 2025 10:38 pm


134340's questions ( All 4 )

134340 December 10, 2023 2:14 am

I've heard somewhere that the korean kakao entertainment (?) already know who's the owner/admin of this website and they're joining hands with japanese mangaka to takedown of this site. Please spread this news

link: https://www.facebook.com/100063896160823/posts/pfbid02a2p7j6bHqDtiVG6Ni5LhRS4aqbaKf9FKEoPd4h662ZNiZ7ZM4MsRiaDpvEqJYNnzl/?app=fbl

太宰 治 July 1, 2021 2:23 pm

So goodevening. I hope someone will notice this. Is there anyone here can give me some ideas? One of my prof gave us an assignment about making your own story and then you'll gonna turn it into "MANGA" just like a comic. You see, I am a fan of reading story but I can't write my own story. So I am having a hard time right now. My prof gave us a deadline until 7th of July. Please if anyone read this please help me. I don't want to disappoint my mom:((

here's where you can contact me: twitter: @double_suicide2
facebook: Nanah NK

ps: someone help me pls pls pls

    Athanaisus July 1, 2021 2:31 pm

    Do you have any specific genres you'd want to write? I can't think of anything rn but maybe that would help me gather some thoughts

    太宰 治 July 1, 2021 2:57 pm
    Do you have any specific genres you'd want to write? I can't think of anything rn but maybe that would help me gather some thoughts Athanaisus

    some kind of romance? I just need a simple short story. my prof want us to focus in one subject in a story. He told us to use "One product" like drinks something like that to use it in one story to promote that "product". Huhu omg i hope i explained it properly I am sorry

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Photo from Album 08-28 09:50

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I love Baek Na-Kyum so damn much:((

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