GrizzlyBear2003 asked question about question

Online class is really hard for me especially being in a prestigious school. My parents always expect me to be a good student and have a high grades like my siblings. Whenever i am trying to study and listen during online class i was always distracted by my phone or other things around me , and by that i was not able to understand everything well. ......

GrizzlyBear2003 answered question about tried to kill yourself
I never tried it but i have thought of doing it. Tbh i am scared of being hurt and thats why i wasnt able to do, but if i have more guts maybe i am dead by now. Whatever problems you are facing please know that you are not alone. Nowadays mostly those people around me decided to end their life because of problems such as financially and stress in s......
GrizzlyBear2003 answered question about tried to kill yourself
I regret mostly everything i have done in life.
GrizzlyBear2003 answered question about love my best friend
Well to be honest, i never know that we would fall for each other. We are seatmates and we become each others support system since we both experience some problems at home. We get to know each other more to the point that we are clingy like a couple. Then i realized that i started to fall for him, but i am afraid to confess. Some of his friends tea......
GrizzlyBear2003 followed a goer

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07 03,2021