Hannie's feed

Hannie like topic of Blind Play

Some of y'all are making a entire New Plot because y'all are reading with ya horny holes instead of them eyes. (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

To clear the confusion:

• The Cop is NOT the abusive boyfriend from the Tech Guy, the Cops where witness to the uke leaving with the seme and they are both dead.

• The student Shin on the News is the uke's dog, the uke's toxic "boyfriend" who uses him for sex and money. He killed the Cop, his DNA is on the body, that was the Seme's plan all along.

• The Tech Guy did NOT give the uke the Spy-glasses, the uke bought the Spy-glasses himself and recorded the seme and the dead body, the seme then realized and made the uke shower with him, the glasses got wet and damaged, the uke found the Tech Guy online and gave the glasses to him, asking If he could fix and recover the footage, the Tech Guy lied and said there was no way to recover it when in reality he wanted to use the footage to make the seme kill his abusive boyfriend, who, again, is NOT the Cop, the abusive boyfriend and the Cop don't even look the same and they literally watched on TV about the Cop's death.

Hope that helped. (●'◡'●)ノ