LOL this takes me back to when i literally spent my teenage years reading the webnovel. dunno if it’s the same one, the name and premise is literally the same but it was a son rather than a daughter. I’m gonna read it and see.
It was so cliche and shit but it was my guilty pleasure fr ( ̄∇ ̄")
To actively be in a committed serious(?) relationship with a person who wants to get married, and not want marriage themselves is wild. They literally had the wedding shoots and he didn’t say before that??? what kind of BS is that? Shishikura literally had a wholeass potential husband which he dropped for signals sent by kotani. god that’s so fucked upppp. i feel so bad for shishikura. he’s being offered a shut up ring. I want him to find someone better. kotani ain’t shit
This shit is painful. and the fact that pam looks so much like taein oh man. and he’s actively ignoring taein even if it’s not his intention. negligence hurts bad. i keep rereading the latest few chaps coz i genuinely feel so much for taein. kinda feels like i’m watching a trainwreck
the fact that his dad died before Miki could even tell him is so tragic. like i’m gutted. there’s gonna be no closure and his dad would’ve been so understanding. goddamn
oh man the author has high school mean girls to a T. im 4 years out of high school and i remember the passive aggressiveness like it was yesterday. ch 37 is literally trauma. can’t wait for more (≧∀≦)