They aren’t exactly uploaded. Have you ever noticed how if you click (or tap) on one of the pages when you’re reading a manga in desktop version a little pop up will appear? That’s so you can add that page to an album. After you’ve added it to an album it will also be in the "Photos about this manga" section
They aren’t exactly uploaded.Have you ever noticed how if you click (or tap) on one of the pages when you’re reading a manga in desktop version a little pop up will appear? That’s so you can add that page... Nijole
is there anything where the female character is a God, demon or a supernatural creature that have fisical relationship with a male human? If possible only titles of Romance, Smut, Josei, Shoujo genre
Jugemu Jugemu Goko no Surikire Kaijarisuigyo no Suigyomatsu Unraimatsu Furaimatsu Ku Neru Tokoro ni Sumu Tokoro Yabura Koji no Bura Koji Paipo-paipo Paipo no Shuringan Shuringan no Gurindai Gurindai no Ponpokopi no Ponpokona no Chokyumei no Chosuke feels your pain.
motivation is hard so eating food is good for motivation, but gathering motivation to diet all over again is even harder. come on we don't wanna go through that again do we? STOP YOUR ASS RIGHT NOW
I think it's fine to go on diet but you should always be full so that you don't start binge eating??And if your gonna eat more than you should eat, you should just exercise more?
(I think? Don't trust my word too much bc I don't go on diet)
losing control is apart of losing weight, but is there a reason you've been binging? are you starving yourself? being on a diet is not starving yourself, if that's the case, you might want to talk to a nutritionist and get a better plan
losing control is apart of losing weight, but is there a reason you've been binging? are you starving yourself? being on a diet is not starving yourself, if that's the case, you might want to talk to a nutritio... um-
not starving just have a family that loves a lot junk food and the temptation switch is always on ~_~
I think it's fine to go on diet but you should always be full so that you don't start binge eating??And if your gonna eat more than you should eat, you should just exercise more? (I think? Don't trust my word... Lil D
motivation is hard so eating food is good for motivation, but gathering motivation to diet all over again is even harder. come on we don't wanna go through that again do we? STOP YOUR ASS RIGHT NOW what
was just a linking website so even if it gets banned it would still work at least the info of manga/webtoons would be available like popular list, most viewed, new added and each members want to read, reading, already read list would be still on (linking= directs to another site to read)
I mean if the Manga (Party boy, Do you understand) contains these tags : Slutty Uke/Prostitution/Threesome/Orgy/Tragedy Lexvurg
ah ofc there are some mangas with those tags but not many since i think mangago readers aint that interest with that kind of party boy hashtags as u said.
Does anyone know how to add pictures in the " Photos about this manga" section?
They aren’t exactly uploaded.
Have you ever noticed how if you click (or tap) on one of the pages when you’re reading a manga in desktop version a little pop up will appear? That’s so you can add that page to an album. After you’ve added it to an album it will also be in the "Photos about this manga" section
Thank you