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Title Update Recommend
Mora then 15 Chapters(28) 2022-03-17 0
TIME PASS (To verify)(61) 2022-03-17 0
Wait for more available Chapters(67) 2022-03-17 0

maizus's topics ( All 760 )

maizus January 25, 2025 10:41 am

it's a good read to fill some hours of a day, but still I wish it had some more smut scene. Only the last chapter was not enough

maizus January 7, 2025 11:56 am

The Ojisan and the cute Uke makes a heart melting couple together, it's been a long time since I have read something soo fluffy and cute

maizus's questions ( All 31 )

maizus October 27, 2024 8:51 pm

Does anyone know how to add pictures in the " Photos about this manga" section?

    Nijole October 27, 2024 10:27 pm

    They aren’t exactly uploaded.
    Have you ever noticed how if you click (or tap) on one of the pages when you’re reading a manga in desktop version a little pop up will appear? That’s so you can add that page to an album. After you’ve added it to an album it will also be in the "Photos about this manga" section

    maizus October 28, 2024 5:34 am
    They aren’t exactly uploaded.Have you ever noticed how if you click (or tap) on one of the pages when you’re reading a manga in desktop version a little pop up will appear? That’s so you can add that page... Nijole

    Thank you

Lexvurg May 9, 2021 6:35 pm

is there anything where the female character is a God, demon or a supernatural creature that have fisical relationship with a male human?
If possible only titles of Romance, Smut, Josei, Shoujo genre

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maizus's message board ( All 3 )

Yaoi Paradise January 5, 2019 10:32 am

Hi...Do you Know Any good stepbrothers manga ?

Zeria November 13, 2018 9:18 am

- Reversible BL (honestly I loved it)
- Neji no Kaiten (I didn't like it that much)
- Neko x Neko (this is cute)
try those 3 and le me know if you liked them or not it's a pleasure to meet a Fujoshi nice to meet you

shiro aya November 12, 2018 11:14 pm

hey what seke (suke?) manga did u read? can u plz recommend me on some?

Yaoi and Josei  contents are best
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