Momotarou April 30, 2021 4:37 pm

oh my god a blushy Vasya wasn't something i knew i needed until now
also yoon please stop getting in the way it's just his dick he'll be fine (says me, a female who has never had a dick and has no idea what it would feel like to have it sliced off my body)

    ariantor April 30, 2021 4:45 pm

    same lmao but in all honesty he deserved it

Momotarou April 13, 2021 6:24 pm

Not gonna lie, I found the aphrodisiac spit thing really icky. It's kind of dubcon no? Like imagine some asshole alpha douchebag spitting in an unsuspecting omega's drink and waiting for their drugged saliva to make it nearly impossible for them to knowingly consent. That's a more insidious version of what happened and it ruins any sense of romance this pairing might have been building up to. Like i'm a huge slut for single parents finding fulfilling relationships and i love yakuza characters more than any other kind of character but i don't think the roofie spit was a good idea

    Cawaiii♡ April 13, 2021 7:28 pm

    wow never thought about that
    Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

    SayerSong April 13, 2021 11:17 pm

    Yeah. I disliked that myself. While some of the change ups in the Alpha/Omega "rules" can be refreshing at times, the spit thing was NOT one of them.

Momotarou February 19, 2021 5:18 pm

Studies have shown that, if you're the male lead in a gay manga, the likelihood of you running into a dickhead from your past while you're on an outing with your significant other increases exponentially. What studies, you ask? I have no idea.

    Willien February 19, 2021 5:30 pm

    Isn't it the that did this study? All professionals of course. Yours just reminded me of it February 19, 2021 5:54 pm
    Isn't it the that did this study? All professionals of course. Yours just reminded me of it Willien

    I believe the yaoi research group also did some very valid and extensive research on said topic. T'is a very important one for the community hahahaha

    Willien February 19, 2021 6:12 pm
    I believe the yaoi research group also did some very valid and extensive research on said topic. T'is a very important one for the community hahahaha

    Ah yes yes, how could I forget.

Momotarou February 14, 2021 8:25 am

Finally some good fucking food

Momotarou January 24, 2021 11:24 pm

Lol Haruma thinks he's slick.

"What? You don't like people hounding you about marriage or attempting to start a romantic relationship with you?? Then let's get married not b/c i love you or whatever that'd be crazy it'll just be like a business partnership"

"Oops I didn't get you a bed (because beds are personal and depend on preferences and stuff never mind the fact i picked out our whole ass apartment, something equally personal and dependent on preferences, without consulting you about it) so now we have to sleep together in this coincidentally huge bed that i got because i'm tall and like a lot of space and not because i anticipated having another body in it"

"Here I got us rings no they aren't wedding rings symbolizing my intense and undying love for you what are you talking about these are just so people don't get suspicious of us and realize this marriage is nothing but a ruse"

We've got your number Haruma. You're not subtle Ritsu's just oblivious.

Momotarou December 2, 2020 6:27 pm

Uugghhh this is just so gooood I can't stand it

Momotarou November 17, 2020 3:26 pm

Please don't let this new senior be a dick. I don't think I can watch someone being mean to jiang shen.

Momotarou November 14, 2020 5:24 pm

I know people are upset about the possible upcoming love triangle but I'm honestly a little happy about it. I mean, I'm not a fan of love triangles either, but I was getting sick of only Taesung getting attention. Like Haebom is also beautiful and a good person? He should also have people wanting to be with him (other than the creepy perv from the beginning of their college days). It's just nice seeing someone else be interested in him. It's not gonna go anywhere but still.

    Bakemono November 14, 2020 5:28 pm

    i couldn't agree more

    Water November 14, 2020 5:52 pm

    What good will come out of taesung's anxiety of losing haebom. He feels he is not even enough for him. Taesung will be a wreck. I don't want to see that....

Momotarou October 19, 2020 6:36 am

So. I know there are raws but are there any uh uncensored raws...? Asking for a friend. Who is interested for purely scientific purposes. Nothing perverted happening over here no siree bob.

    joonception October 19, 2020 10:05 am

    Nope sorry..the smut scenes are all drawn with only their upper bodies shown ┗( T﹏T )┛ lee geum's bod tho omg (⊙…⊙ )

Momotarou July 16, 2020 5:21 am

Kaname was such an annoying hypocrite near the end. "waaahhh i won't understand if you don't say anything boo hoo". Really? What about you?? 80% of this plot was you being unable to communicate with your significant other like an adult. You really couldn't tell that your self-imposed one-sided ban on sex was confusing and worrying Shima? Your friends literally told you that randomly stopping being intimate with him for no VERBALLY EXPRESSED reason might make him think you've lost interest in him and then you went and fucking did it anyway. What the fuck. This entire fucking situation was YOUR FAULT. ALL OF IT. Granted, Shima could and should have asked what was going on instead of trying to fix it with sex but I doubt dumbass Kaname would have been honest with him. This could have been really cute if there had actually been a REAL conflict not induced by the main character's own stupidity. I liked it; it was nice seeing a couple just be together but it was also really frustrating and it didn't need to be. Sorry please ignore this rant and have a nice day.

    T-raw July 16, 2020 6:05 am

    Yea Im on the same page, this was very frustrating.

    Momotarou July 16, 2020 9:33 am
    Yea Im on the same page, this was very frustrating. T-raw

    Glad to see it wasn't just me

    Momotarou July 16, 2020 9:36 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! hifumi

    I knooooooow. The second he started in on the whole "we don't really talk" I was just like "what the fuck? seriously?? you're complaining about HIM not communicating with YOU?" It's like the author forgot that Kaname was doing the exact same thing.

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