I always hate when characters say "age doesn't matter" or "it doesn't matter that they're younger/older than me" because it's just not true for obvious reasons. Idrc about the age gap but mc can't just ignore how weird and problematic it is that he's fucking someone who still has to have parent-teacher conferences and that line sounds so much worse coming from the older one in the relationship

Can someone please please give Asha a brain and maybe some personality traits other than "oblivious idiot" please I'm begging. I like the premise but the mc is just so bland. It's like the author made their main character a plot device or prop and was more interested in what was going on around him than what's happening to him.

I'm so confuuuuuused what she said doesn't make any sense and I'm trying to make it make sense. Like I'm sorry your childhood was sad and your parents didn't love you or whatever but how is that related at all to them being in love?? I mean I guess you could say that she doesn't want to see someone she cares about have a hard time just because they're part of a nontraditional family but even so its not like anyone's treated her differently or bullied her just because she lives with her granny instead of her parents. Like that's not even comparable to the experience of a same sex couple in a rural conservative/traditional community. Pls have someone in universe point this out or explain this because I'm so fucking baffled. I know a lot of people were thinking she was internalizing homophobia or whatever and honestly I would have preferred that to this nonsense. Personally I was hoping she just thought haebom was being a homewrecker or sung ho was cheating on his baby mama or something. That would have been funny.
I noticed Kwon jihan isn't calling yoonseo "bro" anymore in the officials thank god for that. But more importantly if y'all like this please go give "The Hero Wants to Die" a shot it's a bl with basically the same premise but with more of a focus on the romance since mc diverted the apocolypse before the start of the story. It's only got 20 chapters out rn but it's really good so far.
Thanks for the recommendation. Will read this now.