2021-02-09 08:02 marked

2019-07-09 23:41 marked

Shiwoo's been raped by a person he used to trust. Some people would now avoid ever having sex again, some people would distance themselves from others to an indefinite future date, and some would even sleep around frantically to try and forget the awful shit that's happened to them. And you know why? Because the human mind never follows a logical path, simple as that. He's suffered a severe damage to his psyche and he's dealing with it the way he feels is right - this neither makes him a slut nor a despicable sex addict. Who are you to tell a person how to cope with THEIR trauma (or rather, how not to cope with it)?
Just an example for those of you who've potentially never read a book: Ever heard of PTSD? There was this case of a soldier who came back from Afghanistan, suffering from PTSD (note: he's never killed anyone himself). Now, a lot of soldiers would seek psychological help, some are even known to have killed themselves - but then there was this one soldier who couldn't cope with his traumatic experiences at all, so he ended up mass shooting innocent people on the streets. What I'm getting at? His behavior seems excessive, but this is exactly what trauma means: a mental disorder that isn't reasonable at all. To some it happens due to warfare, to some it's because of rape, to some it's a terrible accident - the fact is: those events all have potential to destroy a person's mind. And it's not yours to decide whether an event is traumatic enough to be "allowed" to behave irrationally and excessive. And FYI: About half of people develop PTSD following rape, so it's not as uncommon as you might think.
Back to topic (mild spoilers ahead): Then, when Shiwoo finally began to trust someone else again, namely Hyun, he was betrayed and mistreated AGAIN. So when pure Yujin came into play, he fell back into old schemes, not trusting anyone and seemingly fooling around - because his mind tells him that faith and feelings only hurt. He just can't trust Yujin now and maybe (just a guess) even tried to hurt him as a replacement for Hyun, who's hurt him before but he ran away from.
Sorry for the rant, but the comment section made me extremely mad. Feel free to dislike this, because I know you won't budge from your opinion of Shiwoo - that's a defining characteristic of kids after all.
2018-08-30 06:40 marked
2018-07-07 06:03 marked
2018-05-16 23:08 marked
another one to make your ideal self :)