How could they be together for 6 years and never once have a slip up, dam they were lucky lol. Plot armour for sure.
Ok at first I thought his crazy was him not releasing his pheromones properly since marking someone but now I think he realy just be like that.
Umm I'm sorry but wtf, if he loved queen so much yet he betrayed her its insane. And what do u mean u want to be her lover that's sooo weird of him.
Omg I understand stand why she ran to him but girl, keep your hands to yourself, he clearly never wanted you to touch him or even like you...
This has turned into such a fun story in comparison with how it started.
Wish they would just live together lol, but having their own space is nice too.
April gets a little annoying with the whole staying as a bunny all the time even when the mc wants to have a proper conversation with her.
Dude is doing too much, just Marry eachother already lol
Can someone remind me, what is wrong with the country? I know the ml is a piece of shit. But why is there a revolutionary group again.
For some reason cause of the long gaps in between chapters the brothers switch up to being on her side has given me whiplash lol. And I still don't understand how her father could possibly be the ml it's weird. It would just make more sense for her husband to become the ml even though he also sucks.
I cant wait for them to realize their feelings for one another. It'll be like the planets aligned and they will be like that annoying lovey couple lol.
His country is ruined because of his insanity, gona cause an uprising from the people and have him beheaded.
I get that he is obsessed and loves him in his own way, but he isn't very likable rn.
Pania Elarona, an average elf with the special ability to see people's status windows, idolizes the ...
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He's a dick and she isn't being smart about how to act rn, it's not entertaining.
I cant wait for his brothers to get axed by the king for touching the queens property mwahaha
Dude didn't even make a safeword yet omg, went in fast.