ninereeds February 14, 2025 9:58 pm

i find it a little funny how during this entire manhwa thus far, all we have been seeing is how people make assumptions about and place expectations on jinhyeong, making it so that it's extremely difficult for him to open up to others, but for some reason, there's suddenly confusion when we see another character behaving similarly to others we've already met. i mean, the whole reason why his relationship with uyun is working and helping him grow is because uyun gave him the room he needed to open up and feel safe doing so. uyun never made assumptions about his character or talked about him behind his back or took other people's word for it in regards to who he was. he was patient and allowed jinhyeong to show him, and his acts of kindness and affection are unconditional and non-transactional because he acknowledges the weaknesses jinhyeong struggles with and tries to fill in the gaps.

all this to say that i can't blame his ex for feeling bitter--after all, i've been where she is, and the pain always lingers a little, even after a long time. you start wondering what it was about you that wasn't good enough. but regardless, she was never playing fair because we see her repeatedly hold the things she gave him over his head while simultaneously ignoring his words and his feelings about what she was doing. we don't see the entirety of their year-long relationship, but he expresses himself and communicates clearly about two key things that lead to the downfall of their relationship: he didn't care for her giving him test answers, and he didn't feel comfortable going to that party. in both cases, he still sacrifices his comfort and his boundaries in exchange for hers, and in both cases, she ignores what he says because she means well (and we even see her tell on herself a bit by saying he's "strong" and "[his] family is rich," implying that the problems he was having shouldn't have been such a big deal, though i do think her expression afterwards did indicate some level of regret for saying it].

could he have expressed himself better about these things, and likely many other things during the course of their relationship? absolutely, and he shows both now and even back then that he understands that his failure to do so caused significant harm to someone else. however, i'd say his ex still has some growing up to do herself (i haven't yet been provided a good reason for why her sudden change in reaction towards him being in a new relationship that's good for him but it's with a man is reasonable or justifiable but i digress), because it seems like she still doesn't seem to think that she did anything wrong or even understand what it was that she did wrong, and after five years at her age, i find it a little strange that she couldn't think of even one thing she could've done better in that situation. on the whole, these were two people who were never going to work out in a relationship because their methods of expressing themselves and their affection are just too different lol.

    Mahitolover✓ February 14, 2025 11:32 pm

    I can't believe i read the whole thing but yea lol

    ninereeds February 15, 2025 6:16 am
    I can't believe i read the whole thing but yea lol Mahitolover✓

    lmfao my fault coach, i just had so much to say because i think people are honestly coming to her defense unnecessarily. like i have truly been exactly where she is rn and was even the same age when it happened and it hurts bad, but she is doing and has done things here that never crossed my mind to do to my partner. she fucked up too and that's okay. like we're only human at the end of the day.

ninereeds October 12, 2024 12:58 pm

just fell to my knees in my bedroom.... one of the greatest to ever do it and it's already over .... IM GONNA KMS

    B00 October 12, 2024 4:20 pm


    ninereeds October 14, 2024 5:45 pm


ninereeds June 18, 2024 4:03 pm

mc has pebbles for brains i can't lie. like there's normal stupid and then there's "how are you still alive" stupid and he's the latter i fear.

ninereeds May 3, 2024 11:50 am

ykw it definitely sucks major fuckin dookie that seolho has put everyone in a Situation but after some thought i'm blaming the boss for it as well tbh. he must know that the reason seolho is so desperate to be on the field is because he's eager to prove himself as an equal and an adult to him. and seolho is so caught up in thinking he can't expose how he feels directly that being of utmost use to the boss must be the ultimate way of expressing his feelings. i'm starting to feel like if the boss had just told him outright that he knows how seolho feels, then seolho wouldn't have gone to these lengths and would've started doing some real self-reflection instead.

so the question now is why hasn't the boss done that yet? even if seolho goes berserker about it, he could certainly handle himself against him, and he's already been shown to be the kind of person who doesn't beat around the bush about anything. i'm kinda wondering if the boss reciprocates seolho's feelings but can't allow himself to give into those feelings because it would only lead to more issues in his mind, but i'm not convinced of this stance yet since we don't actually know too much about him yet, not even his name LOL but this manhwa is genuinely too fucking good, puts a lot of other bl manhwas to shame really

    K3nji May 3, 2024 1:12 pm

    no because fr, like its been years boss cmon. Give the poor mans heart sum rest jeez

    Suck my tortellini May 3, 2024 3:00 pm

    My gut tells me the boss has some soft spot for dumbass seolho which is why i think he doesn't want him to go in the field. I think Taemin saying "he cares about you" to seolho proved that for me. But my gut also tells me he thinks seolho is a bit of a dumbass that's why he ain't letting him touch the field. (which is proven correct)

    sabba May 3, 2024 4:31 pm
    My gut tells me the boss has some soft spot for dumbass seolho which is why i think he doesn't want him to go in the field. I think Taemin saying "he cares about you" to seolho proved that for me. But my gut al... Suck my tortellini

    I know that one reason at least why boss isn't letting Seolho on the field is precisely because Seolho is in love with him. Boss told Taeman that as a killer being in love is one of the worst situations they can be in because it affects their ability to concentrate on the job.

    levipleasecallmeback May 3, 2024 5:39 pm

    his eagerness to be out on the field aside, it makes sense the boss didn’t let him yet. imo he’s still childish and isn’t able to be a team player if he’s playing an active killing part. and he’s not experienced in assassinating either which is why the boss let him be an informant/spy instead. it’s just a bigger annoyance that the time he chose to prove himself but fucked up, was for their most important mission even if the boss has a soft spot, at the end of the day blondie’s doing duties not for the agency but for the boss’s attention and approval

    sabba pointed out their concentration on the job too and i agree

    ninereeds May 5, 2024 1:05 pm
    his eagerness to be out on the field aside, it makes sense the boss didn’t let him yet. imo he’s still childish and isn’t able to be a team player if he’s playing an active killing part. and he’s not ... levipleasecallmeback

    oh yeah i fully agree. honestly the whole situation is more akin to watching the progress of an avalanche at a distance: it's started off small and quiet, but now it's out of control and you can't warn any of the people who are about to be crushed beneath it

ninereeds July 15, 2021 7:15 pm

the author is dragging it this should've ended 5 chapter ago lmao

ninereeds June 30, 2020 12:13 pm

the situation is coming to a head with this current confrontation.

to start with, sid is betraying cain in part because he believes that cain is not a strong enough leader and in part because he's being controlled. sid used the trust he has garnered with cain to gain access to the compass so that he could use it to kill the doctor and fuck cain over, thus giving satan an overall advantage by keeping cain weak and wasting his time. from his perspective in this chapter, he realizes he made a misstep by entrusting the task to bodycon freak since he sees the doctor in question standing right there, alive and breathing, so he's now weighing his options on whether he should just kill the doctor now or not.

aaron, the doctor, knows it, too and has figured out what the situation between cain and sid is and he's weighing his options as well, because it's become highly dangerous for him really. thanks to gale being able to identify sid as cain's right-hand man, he put two and two together from his previous inferences regarding how he was discovered by another demon in the first place. he realizes now that sid is a traitor and was the person who sought him out and attempted to kill him. he also notes that if cain continues to give sid his trust, then he'll be put in a really bad spot, too. to begin with, aaron was looking for cain so that he could offer cain his assistance in removing the angel fraction/weapon in exchange for his protection from satan, since he and gale are both on satan's hit list for stealing souls. he's already decided that it wouldn't be a good idea to just say that he's the doctor cain has been looking for, so he's thinking about what he needs to say to save his ass because either way, sid knows exactly who he is.

this is my understanding of the plot and what this chapter contributed to the overall story, so i could definitely be missing some details, but that's the gist.

    NeetyNayd v 2.0 June 30, 2020 12:29 pm

    What chapter did Sid reveal about his real intentions of betraying Cain??

    ninereeds June 30, 2020 12:33 pm
    What chapter did Sid reveal about his real intentions of betraying Cain?? NeetyNayd v 2.0

    i think this is revealed later since ive read all the raws and was able to translate/understand some of what was being said so that might be a bit of a spoiler, my bad >.<

    mercisha June 30, 2020 12:34 pm
    i think this is revealed later since ive read all the raws and was able to translate/understand some of what was being said so that might be a bit of a spoiler, my bad >.< ninereeds

    Yeah, it's something that's suggested. Sid is lying, and wants to kill doc so he can keep his trap shut. Once doc dies, there's no one left to help cain. so yeah he's a traitor lmao

    NeetyNayd v 2.0 June 30, 2020 12:53 pm
    i think this is revealed later since ive read all the raws and was able to translate/understand some of what was being said so that might be a bit of a spoiler, my bad >.< ninereeds

    It is fine... But yeah.. It is really a spoiler

ninereeds June 9, 2020 6:20 pm

[shakes tin can] spare raws anyone?

ninereeds September 29, 2019 11:07 pm

i think some of u are maybe not reading things properly, or ur clinging onto very specific parts of an argument without regarding the argument in its entirety, and a lot of u are using false equivalences (things that may share traits but are certainly not the same thing) by comparing rape to murder, like saying an orange is an apple because they're both fruits.

if u know that u don't support rape in reality, then good for u! that's common decency and common sense and u will not be getting a pat on the back for it, but ur doing better than some people out there.

i think people need to be more ready to address the simplicity of the state of the comments section: it's not about the presence of the rape scene in general or the ideal that some of u must be into rape "in real life", but it's completely about the jump to defend thinking that a rape scene is hot and sexy, despite the fact that its still rape.

fictionality doesnt take away from the seriousness of it, and fiction doesn't just stop affecting people once the reader is done. if a movie about characters in circumstances that are completely and absolutely unreal could make a person cry and cause a person to dedicate their spare time to it to the point of fanaticism and change the outlook that person has on life, then the principle should be applied here and with other works of fiction.

nobody is saying u can't read or enjoy the story anymore, or that ur wrong for believing that the story is interesting (even I'M going to continue reading the story). we're talking about the defense of thinking that a rape scene, particularly in this story, is hot and continuing to think so after knowing that it was rape. don't be dense.

    sennabon September 30, 2019 2:04 am

    god EXACTLY!! the level of critical thinking that’s typically found here is fucking abysmal lmfao.

    Blackie September 30, 2019 8:39 am

    Finally someone with a fully functioning brain. There’s still hope for humanity

    mangalover September 30, 2019 3:45 pm

    Well, as for me, I did compare murder with rape because I was trying to make my point clearer but not because I think one is equivalent to the other. Just like not one suffering can be compared to others, it is the same with crimes and victims. My comparison of rape and murder, I used it taking into consideration how some murder scenes have made me feel. Examples: When in the Hannibal Lecter series, Mason Verger was killed, I was very happy about it, but it was still murder. Every time the Punisher kills a guy, I celebrated it, but it's still murder. So, I get what you are saying about how wrong sometimes immoral actions are presented in media outlets. All I'm saying is that it doesn't mean I don't notice or understand the core of the situation, it means I'm still going to read this and not feel guilty about it.

ninereeds September 29, 2019 8:44 pm

"this is just fiction, it's not even real."

babe come up with whatever reasons u want to justify why u enjoyed a rape scene, but at least have it make a bit of sense. fiction and all forms of media DO impact the way we view the world, other people, and social structures and circumstances. if it didn't then literature would not be taught in school and would be extremely unimportant, and representation in any media would be null and void, if fiction has no bearing on how something in an "imaginary scenario" translates to a person when they face that same situation in reality. do u know how many straight girls i've seen on this platform and several others admit that they were homophobic before they started reading yaoi, give me a break...

i can't even fully blame all of u for trying to defend why u enjoyed a rape scene because it wasn't framed as though it was rape. it was drawn and written to be passionate and dramatic and erotic, but had this been drawn in a different manner with the seriousness it warrants, everyone would be more ready to admit that the last two chapters are terrifying and that they accent how awful the lord is to the painter and to other people in general. if u were to hear someone lay out this exact situation without context or imagery or pretty words, it'd be uncomfortable. if it had been u in the painter's position, being so drunk that u can't discern faces and finding out that u consented to having sex with someone else (barely, dubiously) but in reality had "sex" (because sex is with the consent of two or more conscious parties, and rape is with the consent and consciousness of one or more parties with the unawareness of other persons) with someone different, and that person knew that u weren't conscious enough to consent properly and knew that u thought they were someone else, it'd be a lot less sexy.

say what u want if it'll help u feel better about getting horny off of a scene in which someone is raped, but at least be honest with ur reason and say that u thought it was hot instead of coming up with bullshit reasoning.

and before u type up ur heated and defensive response, be aware that i'm not going to respond or engage with u unless ur ready to have a real conversation because ur wasting ur breath and my time.

    Netko September 30, 2019 12:51 am

    Main character has been a giant douchebag through the Manga-first thing he did was murder a guy for virtually no reason, then kidnapped the painter. The painter is a literal prisoner there under threat, from first 20 pages onwards.

    It was evident from first chapter what kind of Manga this would be.
    I get that people don't like rape but it's like watching Games of Thrones and saying same thing. It's part of a messed up story, and, honestly, you have to go through murder, kidnapping, threat, blackmail, harassment, abuse to get to the rape part.
    Rape is just ONE of quite a few fucked up things MC is doing.

    It isn't even shown as something romantic, as you can clearly see painter can't recognise who he's with (in creepy, blurred portraits) and the potryal when the Lord tells a servant to close the doors is just creepy (if there is one thing this artist is good at, it's expressions)
    Not to mention painter cries, is afraid and in pain for a good while.

    Rape is a problem in stories where it is shown as basically a pusher confession, that leads to a happy relationship, like in a lot of yaois, where "I came" = "wasn't rape",
    but this is not on of these stories.

    MangaSanctuary September 30, 2019 6:21 am
    This reply was deleted by the author of the post @Anonymous

    Agree, totally

    ninereeds September 30, 2019 9:06 am
    This reply was deleted by the author of the post @Anonymous

    i read about half of it, skimmed through a good bit of it, and found that you probably did the same to my comment because you were clinging to certain aspects of my comment due to you feeling like you were under attack. you absolutely did not read my comment in full because you're derailing the discussion and making false equivalences like i said in the comment i made above this one. i said at the very bottom of this original post that if you want to make a comment being defensive instead of having a conversation, then don't waste ur breath and my time. you did exactly that. you can't read and your reading comprehension is poor, so i won't be engaging with you anymore and am only responding in order for you to understand why i'm not considering any of your words. have a great day/evening/night/wherever you are!

    ninereeds September 30, 2019 9:47 am
    Main character has been a giant douchebag through the Manga-first thing he did was murder a guy for virtually no reason, then kidnapped the painter. The painter is a literal prisoner there under threat, from fi... Netko

    yeah, i'm fully not saying that the lord wasn't a bad person prior to these chapters, hence why i used the word "accent", nor am i saying that i'm surprised that the rape is there or that this is the first time it's happened in a story like this (though it still warranted a warning). i suppose my personal qualm with the scene itself is simply how it was depicted? having it be "creepy" isn't really enough if you're trying to depict a literal rape scene. rape isn't just unnerving, it's horrific, and i felt that it should've been showcased in a different way. i'm just hoping that this rape scene will actually have an impact on the story and how the main characters interact with each other, instead of it being a segway into how they develop their relationship.

    anyways though, that wasn't the point of my comment. i wanted to talk about why there was a sea of people rushing to defend why they thought it was hot by making up reasons that don't make sense and aren't consistent. i made a different comment above this one because i had a feeling that i should address the people thinking that because people are criticizing the fan interaction with the scene and the story itself, then they're saying that no one should get to enjoy the story at all. YOU understand the weight of the story and the fact that there's not an inkling of romance to be had between these two characters in a story like this. a lot of other people are here because they want romance where it's not supposed to be when there are thousands of other stories that are designed for that.

ninereeds August 5, 2019 6:57 am

is the doctor for real? no joke he's so trash at his job... how are you gonna ignore the warnings of someone who actively interviewed your serial killer patient about the murders they committed and why they did what they did just because you like them?

i know clark slips up and lets his desire get the best of him despite his tendency to view and analyze his environment logically but the doctor is just as guilty as he is for doing so by even directing clark alex's way. how could he not severe his ties with alex as soon as he realized he was starting to gain feelings for him as it would cause him to do a less than professional job with alex's recovery and treatment due to his own personal investment? so much of this could have been avoided, i don't get him

    shin e August 5, 2019 2:07 pm

    Damn you spitting facts right here

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