he turned back time 4 times already?? and she ended her life each time?? Jesus christ is it that hard to be a good accepting partner or what????!?
he probably turned back time to when it was already too late, but even then it's just embarrassing. even if someone framed him and sent that noose to her and whatnot, why did she take it each time? if he truly loved her and treated her with love, she would not resort to such end.
at some point you gotta give up and let her live her life. cause if your partner commits in every lifetime she spends with you, there's obviously a problem...

If I understood correctly, she died in the 1st timeline when she hanged herself.
Then when she came back to the past, the day she was supposed to meet him for the 1st time, she went to sleep hoping it was a dream but when she woke up she was back into the carriage on her way to the dragon's pond, so she killed herself the 1st time, and she went back again into the carriage so she killed herself for the 2nd...etc and that's why he said " I had no choice but to helplessly watch her doing that everytime within the abyss of time ".
Cuz he was in the pond watching her and the reason she kept on going back to the pond is that when she killed herself he turned back the time over and over again.

Dragon guy turn back time one time when she hang herself in the first timeline.
The FL wake up with all of her memories, so she try to flee the situation. But the dragon turn back time again because he need her to go into the pond to wake him up and she is unwilling.
So the FL after going to sleep sadly wake up a second time having gone back in time a second time.
She is reliving this day in the carriage for the third time.
So because she doesn't want to be with him she try to kill herself. But each time she does the dragon still deep into the pond go back in time. And it went on for like 4 times until she wake the dragon up by accident.
The FL relived the day she wake up the dragon multiple time because the dragon needed her to wake him up so he could be with her.

She remembers the day repeating that's why she kill herself.
Because she try to ignore the lake with the sleeping dragon but each time she go to sleep the time rewind.
The dragon is rewinding time to force her to go back to him and trigger the event to free him from the lake.
So she is loosing her mind kinda and kill herself hoping that death would free her from the loop.
She kill herself because she doesn't want to wake him and she want to be free from him.

I can't stand her brother. He can sleep around with whoever he wants and it's fine, but his unmarried sister brings shame to him. He's a plain misogynist and would rather risk someone's life than live with the fact that his sister did something outside of marriage. Literal insanity. He's the biggest, dirtiest hypocrite.
Not only that, he blatantly ignores what she truly wants for herself. That is not a brother but an enemy.

I dont blame or hate him( i dislike him just a tad cause he's rude) cause sadly thats how it was back in the day, especially in europe which this works seems to be taking inspiration from. But i also think he feels bad for his sister since she was sick for the majority of her core developmental years and she didnt have her mothers guidance to steer her to the right path during that time. Its kind of a lose lose for both parties.
(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

Aint liking him too but i thot that compared to that era he was a caring sister and forcing to marry at that era was normal as most would believe amd still do tbh that marrying would make u happy liek if u have a partner with u to support i meam yes lots marry amd do become happy but not marrying doesnt mean the women would die in misery lol amd people still domttget that but what pissed me off was when he goes like how she'll bring shame but them he's doing the same with amother girl before marriage or engaged and not thinking the same just cuz what? He's a guy? All bs. I mwan yes he has all righta to get angry at the ml for laying hands on his sister like this. Tbh I'll be angry too as its abt my sister amd some guy laid their hands on an innocent naive girl *from my pov as idk what goes inside her head I'll obviously thinks she knows nothing* who also dpesnt know hpw the outside world works like even so what if someone jsut played with her and knocked her or something and seeing how the sister never went out and everything and books dont always give all knowledges like modern times so yeah I'll be angry and worried but talking abt shame and everything nah thats not it thats just bs. Yes u can calmly talk abt it if ur WORRIED but not say its shameful heh so thats the reason the brother ticks me off now lets see how far he act like this or he's gonna be like this for a while

he literally aped her and treats her as subhuman. I hate him so much it's not even funny. if he wants to die so much, why doesn't he do it? what a coward and hypocrite. also this is grooming. she's technically an adult, but doesn't understand what kissing or intercourse is. he forced himself onto her, it's predatory

I don’t agree with his actions but it’s not grooming.
As you said she is an adult, grooming involves children.
Why does she not know about kissing or intercourse you might add? Because she’s a MERMAID.
I don’t agree with the behavior but please stop shoving words around and making it seem like an author is a pedo because you’re not using the correct word choice.

exactly, she is a mermaid not a human. he aped her. she didn't know what he was doing to her. also adults know what intercourse is. he didn't get her consent
to me, this is adjacent to grooming. idc what you think. if you enjoy this and don't find anything sus about it, idk what to tell you. her "innocence" and obliviousness sounds like a predatory kink. like why would I read this crap?

bruh it's always when the FL suddenly drops interest that these men start running after them. he made her stand in the rain, ignored her but secretly enjoyed the attention she was giving him. he liked the idea of someone being attached to him without having to do anything. but now that she's done w him, or feels indifferent, he makes up these scenarios that she's sad or hurt etc by his actions. girl nobody cares about u!! back off.

He has an unpleasant holier-than-thou attitude of those who flatter themselves thinking they have it better than others by virtue of their own merits, when it's obviously in great part due to their privileged situation. Dude doesn't even realize how rationally indulgent the emperor is with him, not blaming him for being his father's son, and acts like a pompous prick. Seems he's like his father in his youth, I guess: too self-absorbed and proud to realize when he's being ignorant and inconsiderate to the point of really f**ing things up with other people, right until it blows up in his face. Moreover, he definitely enjoys the feeling of how "enduring the attentions" of the spoiled trash princess makes him look so forebearing and enduring, dignified and desirable, gaining him the attention of the surrounding people along with their sympathy and admiration.
honestly haven't read a zombie webtoon in a while, this is a mix of those horror games x apocalypse x romance. I love it tbh