Dafuq away from me want to do ( All 2 )

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Dafuq away from me's experience ( All 0 )

Dafuq away from me's answer ( All 19 )

i just do 10 pushups and call it good. Burns my body fat while it takes 2 min at most. if I feel spicy I'll do my required arm exercises that the physical therapist told me I needed to do.   reply
15 07,2021
I would like to add unless you masturbate to it (get off to it), you can't fetishize it. Ex. I usually masturbate to bondage, so my fetish is BDSM. I don't masturbate to two guys doing it, so it's not my fetish. I fetishize ropes and dog collars. I don't fetishize dicks going to the ass of another man. Please don't just repeat what other people......   1 reply
15 07,2021
I'm just glad it's not Shrek porn. Ahh~ the journey to healing.   2 reply
14 07,2021
I usually go on autopilot or I just excuse myself so I can cry in my corner.   reply
14 07,2021
about question
07 07,2021

Dafuq away from me's question ( All 0 )