idk... is this how kissing works?
idc if its the art style. my folder finally gets to have decoration
where? did you make all that in your mouth? mouth has more water than me
That spit looks like cum
it's the horse whose neck is as thick as Leo's cock
its eyes are all sparkly anime horse eyes
is that horse okay?
bad bitches-
scared chick duo?
i just do 10 pushups and call it good. Burns my body fat while it takes 2 min at most. if I feel spicy I'll do my required arm exercises that the physical therapist told me I needed to do.
I would like to add unless you masturbate to it (get off to it), you can't fetishize it.
Ex. I usually masturbate to bondage, so my fetish is BDSM. I don't masturbate to two guys doing it, so it's not my fetish.
I fetishize ropes and dog collars. I don't fetishize dicks going to the ass of another man.
Please don't just repeat what other people......
14 07,2021
I usually go on autopilot or I just excuse myself so I can cry in my corner.
baby chick asking for alex <3