Totallyтσxic followed question about simp over yourself

You're that friend who gives motivation to the others but doesn't even take their own advice :')

26 07,2021
Totallyтσxic answered question about get to know you
and I thought i was a wimp for not liking sports
Totallyтσxic answered question about looking for a translator
Totallyтσxic answered question about looking for a translator
"uhh.. ma'am. are you alright? you've been staring at me for the last 2 minutes.. n-not to be rude!! I just need your order please.."
I'm waiting for someone to come in here and say "it"
Totallyтσxic answered question about disturbing thing you saw
Oh? OH.. are you challengin me BOI? 1- the dark. Idk why, but when I was younger I had TERRIBLE night terrors and sleep paralysis. it has stayed with me through my teen years and it sucks cus then i gotta explain why i have a fucking night light. 2- loud noises. I will literally jump like a cat trying to get a way from water if I hear anything l......
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This sounds really stupid but grocery shopping. I literally can't walk into a store or pay by myself or else I'll FUCKING CRY.
Totallyтσxic answered question about question
I'd be the slacker of the group, but when needed i'd help. not without starting an argument with fellow teammates of course.
Totallyтσxic answered question about hate myself
Totallyтσxic asked question about hate myself

Idk if this has happened to anyone else, but I remember a specific point in winter

Totallyтσxic answered question about hate myself
I only read FAMILY and FRIENDLY WHOLESOME manhwas. you are all peasants in my presents..
eh? it's just a segg fantasy. it's like how people imagine their crush railing them and shit.
Blood link is one of the main things that comes to mind. the segg doesn't go on for 2 chapters but jesus fuck..

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Damn, I think I just now somehow glitched over into the neighbourhood association's gossip section where everybody always knew she was the bad guy... Let the girl breathe, it's called being young and ignorant and everybody has the right to go through that phase.