Gattsu, known as the Black Swordsman, seeks sanctuary from the demonic forces that persue himself an...
- Author: Kentarou Miura
- Genres: Action / Horror / Mature / Seinen / Adventure / Drama
Hotaru Shina is an office worker with a powerful libido and imagination to boot. She spends her nigh...
- Author: Happa okonogi
- Genres: Japanese / Manga / Josei / Smut / Office Workers / Romance Japanese Manga Office Workers Romance
- Author: Park saet byul,Juy
- Genres: Webtoons / Shoujo / Adaptation / Drama / Full Color / Romance / Showbiz / Slice of Life Webtoons Webtoons Adaptation Drama Full Color Romance Showbiz Slice of Life
When she woke up in a new life, she became a poor little girl who was sent to the mental hospital by...
- Author: su xian rong,bao qing comics
- Genres: Romance
Kang Yeon-woo, a physical education student with a strong physique has a secret and that is, he like...
- Author: 코츠
- Genres: Korean / Webtoons / Josei / Comedy / Full Color / Romance / School Life Korean Webtoons Comedy Full Color Romance School Life
Gen Shiomi, the 56-year-old boss of the Hitotsubashi mob syndicate, must go into hiding to protect h...
- Author: Inoue Kazurou
- Genres: Comedy / Gender Bender / School Life / Shounen
- Author: Chyomchyom
- Genres: Webtoons / Josei / Mature / Smut / Drama / Historical
Dan-i, the owner of a tea shop selling tea leaves north of the Yalu River,is saved with the help of ...
- Author: lee eunbi,soft cone
- Genres: Josei / Historical / Webtoons / Romance / Drama
DO NOT REPOST MY TRANSLATIONS! *Please be patient, I'm one person doing all the work, It's hard and...
- Author: Cht,Yangnlam
- Genres: Webtoons / Josei / Adult / Mature / Smut / Drama / Office Workers / Romance Webtoons Drama Office Workers Romance
• This is not my work. • If you are thd translator and want me to stop uploading, please reach m...
- Author: Si ra bin
- Genres: Webtoons / Josei / Adaptation / Childhood Friends / Drama / Romance / School Life / Slice of Life Webtoons Webtoons Adaptation Childhood Friends Drama Romance School Life Slice of Life
"I don't want people to ask me this for the first time." Omega's Uiko, who is a ...
- Author: Yun
- Genres: Josei / Drama / Fantasy / Romance / Smut / President / Boss
The sick and weak Crown Prince of Daqi, Feng Jin Yan has only one last breath left so the emperor or...
- Author: 2396 studio
- Genres: Historical / Romance / webtoons
Wu Yu, a newcomer of the Public Security Bureau, is gentle and frail. He doesn’t care about th...
- Author: Huaishang,Boyi comics
- Genres: Shounen ai / Action / Drama / Mystery / Psychological / Romance / Webtoons
The main character (Takamiya, Honoka) is a regular student whose only problem seems to be that he si...
- Author: MIZUNAGI Ryuu
- Genres: Action / Fantasy / Seinen / Supernatural
Seo Yoon Seul, who's lived a perfect life so far, becomes a wreck when he starts having nightma...
- Author: Chobom
- Genres: Yaoi / Romance / Slice Of Life / Webtoons / Drama
Renta: t's been 20 years since the best friend Takanose, who used to be Friend With Benefits, got ma...
- Author: Minomushi momonoki
- Genres: Manga / Yaoi / Smut Manga
Renta: Cocoon Continental Tokyo is a first class hotel. Ryosuke is a proud top of 28 years who works...
- Author: Unohana
- Genres: Manga / Yaoi / Smut Manga