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Heterophobic March 19, 2025 5:28 pm

As an anti-romance person, I came here to know if this manhwa has those thingies. (θ‿θ)

    whattaWonderfulWorld March 19, 2025 5:36 pm

    I come here to deliver the good news for you, this manhwa in fact one of the few that doesn't have any romance only fu camaredie. The chaeacter has their own uniqueness and work well as a group. Although some people might see him not as badass as some other MC from similiar genre, this manhwa is based on a novel that might be one of the blue print of Action Manhwa. The fact that the novel is abit older than Solev might peak your interest too.

Heterophobic March 19, 2025 5:26 pm

I heard this one doesn't have any romance in it. Can someone who've read the novel or latest chapters tell me if I was being lied to or if they were being genuine? (θ‿θ)

    Sakuraruu March 19, 2025 7:30 pm

    Yes, no romance, at least for the MC.
    Because he think of himself as old man, and he is too focused on reviving his clan that he don't need any nuisance like romance.
    You should read this.

    Heterophobic March 20, 2025 9:44 pm
    Yes, no romance, at least for the MC.Because he think of himself as old man, and he is too focused on reviving his clan that he don't need any nuisance like romance.You should read this. Sakuraruu

    I've read it today and already caught up to the latest chapters. Thank you so much for replying, this is a such a great read!! It's one out of a hundred to see manhwas like this with no romance that ruins the story. I like how it's all about their camaraderie and his journey to reach his goal while discovering things along the way. I had a great time, thank you so much!! (θ‿θ)

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I'm a depressed piece of shit, if you're planning on cussing, threatening, hating, and disliking me. I don't care, I've already imagined myself dying a million times in more than different ways you could think of. The only thing I'm scared of is living in this piece of shit of a world for 80 years like bitch just kill me.

Please come at me with all you've got so I'd be more depressed and will now have the courage to take a knife and stab in in my chest or up my throat or maybe hang myself in my house

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