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jodi July 17, 2021 10:41 am

okay so basically these
are the ones that are mainly against akiharu being canon (including haruki slander)and spreading toxic stuff here so yea report them if u wana

    Anchor July 17, 2021 2:31 am

    It's better not to give them anymore attention, for sure they'll never stop complaining how dissapointed they are that their toxic ship lost. let's just spread more love and positivity comments to akiharu and haruki instead. Because no matter what they'll do or say Akiharu is superior and canon in the manga

    Zap July 17, 2021 3:13 am

    Ayo we don't hate him aka haruki, it's just u akiharu stans always make fun, say bad things abt uge, say how everything was his faults while the faults were from both sides, u guys will say so goodly things for aki nd haru but will always speak so low of uge so why we uge stans will not say anything, fyi when someone speak ill of aki u guys also get furious nd attack those ppl so why won't uge stans to be furious when ppl like u make of our character, like u ppl have rights nd we don't, it okay report us to ur heart content i don't give the shit abt u ppl....u say we r spreading toxic stuffs here so what u guys r doing on twt i literally say how u made fun of uge that he didn't bathe for few days nd he stunk nd this was coming from ur mutual on twt so stop saying we r the toxic ones while u ppl r the ones who r toxic, i spoke the truth i myself don't hate akiharu but becoz of u akiharu horny stans everything becomes a mess u ppl just love akiharu, ueno, mafu, take nd yayoi..u guys literally don't give the shit abt other side characters, THAT'S ALL I WANTED TO SAY...(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    Zap July 17, 2021 3:26 am
    Ayo we don't hate him aka haruki, it's just u akiharu stans always make fun, say bad things abt uge, say how everything was his faults while the faults were from both sides, u guys will say so goodly things for... Zap

    Plus akiharu r gud in themselves, they r canon it's gud so u guys should enjoy them but no ppl rlly have to slander uge when now he does not have anything to do with them... that's what i hate the most from ur sides, if u want to speak good of them do that but don't make uge's slanderous threads.

    Ereka July 17, 2021 3:39 am

    There was only one person slandering haruki and that was @yuriisformen. The other two don't even hate haruki. Just because that one person is an ugetsu fan and is hating on haruki just because she/he wanted akiuge doesn't mean every ugetsu fan hates haru and supports akiuge. I love both haruki and uge and about the relationships i ship highschool akiuge but not when their relationship started affecting both of them in a bad way. And it had to end. And I'm happy for the current akiharu and current ugetsu too. Please don't assume things. I'm also a ugetsu fan, in fact i love all important given characaters and i never hated akiharu.

    jodi July 17, 2021 4:56 am
    Ayo we don't hate him aka haruki, it's just u akiharu stans always make fun, say bad things abt uge, say how everything was his faults while the faults were from both sides, u guys will say so goodly things for... Zap

    oooh. then sry for tagging u
    but im an akiharu stan and i havent rly seen any hate on ugetsu i was js defending haru caus of the other comments

    Zap July 17, 2021 5:09 am
    There was only one person slandering haruki and that was @yuriisformen. The other two don't even hate haruki. Just because that one person is an ugetsu fan and is hating on haruki just because she/he wanted aki... Ereka

    Thank you so much!!! I myself don't hate akiharu but when i saw that ppl start making bad assumptions abt these side characters like uge, yuki nd shizu i just can't resist nd these all come from akiharu sides on twt that's why i just stand for these 3 characters nd speak for them becoz they r so much misunderstood by some ppl, i myself love each and every character in their own way nd try to understand them but sometimes it's just break my heart to see these 3 getting hate for nothing, i want to enjoy the series in my own way nd wants other ppl to enjoy this in their own way too....thank you once agai,n for standing for us ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    Zap July 17, 2021 5:12 am
    oooh. then sry for tagging u but im an akiharu stan and i havent rly seen any hate on ugetsu i was js defending haru caus of the other comments jodi

    Thnx for understanding, u should also enjoy this series nd i just wish that from ur akiharu sides ppl should spread positivity instead of negativity becoz ppl from ur side rlly misunderstand uge so that's why i stood for him ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    Ereka July 17, 2021 6:32 am
    oooh. then sry for tagging u but im an akiharu stan and i havent rly seen any hate on ugetsu i was js defending haru caus of the other comments jodi

    I'm not trying to attack you or anyone. But the akiharu fans(not all, I'm also a fan)who are mutuals on twitter, in their threads, they really try their best to understand aki and haru, but many a times what they say to support akiharu, mostly involves villainizing ugetsu and mostly labeling him as a toxic and manipulative person. And the wording is like you're describing a villain. You might not be one of them. People aren't just a label, but much more than that. Ugetsu might seem like a manipulative guy if you feel threatened by his presence, but he is much more than that. He is a good person at the core. He never hated haruki nor does haruki hate him. In the given performance, he simply acknowledged haruki's presence in aki's life saying," ah it must be that person". He realised that it was time to let go of akihiko because their relationship was hurting both of them. But they were so used to used to it, that they couldn't find a chance to let go of each other. If he was what those twitter stans are making him out to be, they he wouldn't have left akihiko. As aki had said he didn't just leave aki only because of mafuyu's song. Mafuyu's song just acted as a catslyst. But he was trying to do so for a long time, in aki's words," as if he was in a hurry". He wasn't just selfishly doing so for himself but to free each other from their attachment. Ugetsu was a depressed kid from his childhood and akihiko also had a bad upbringing. And they didn't know any better. Akihiko wanted to beg haruki to save him, because he couldn't do it on his own. But ugetsu was trying to do it by himself, the only outlet he had to convey his depression, grief and loneliness was his music. And he was doing it for years. Thats why he couldn't love anyone more than music. What bad things he did to aki, he knows this, and clearly says this to mafuyu that their relationship fundamentally meant suffereing for them.
    He is actually a well-written character. So i dont understand why can't you understand him but aki? If aki is like a big brother figure for mafuyu and ue, then ugetsu is also like a teacher to mafuyu. He has a depth to his character. So please try to understand him as a person. I've seen some people analyzing his character psychologically souding all confident and pro, could only see a manipulator in him and nothing more. But for them aki is the only victim and everything is uge's fault, which is completely biased. If you need to villainize ugetsu and label him as manipulator just to make yourself feel good about your ship, then it's not character's fault but yours. Same goes for that person who call haruki "ugly".
    When 柊mix_11 came out, those same people are targeting shizu, because they want to feel good about akiharu. If you forgive and romanticize everything aki does, even code 20, then you have no right to call shizu, a 17 year old as a manipulator and feeling uncomfortable about their sex scene, who also had a rough upbringing and is actually a foster kid. If you can see aki in positive light, then why can't you do the same to side characters? Kizu sensei has written every character really well.
    Those who talk this way about side characters and invalidate those who think differently by calling them "kids" and "immature" and "14 year olds", then you should see how immature and kid-like you look when you invalidate their opinions just because they've a diff opinions and they might even be minors. Instead you should help them understand in a good way and if they still don't then that's fine too.
    I saw you guys making a lot of fuss about hiiragi leaning in to kiss shizu in the preview of chapter 41 saying" shizu is a minor" and hating on hiiragi. And when the chapter 41 came out, you shifted your target to shizu and just because you got the cheri+ issue earlier than other' you guys only posted that one panel where hiiragi us hitting shizu on his chest and ignored all the fluffy things that happened before that like hiiragi's wholesome hug and him initiating the kiss. You only posted that one pannel of hiiragi hitting him on the chest and tried to tell people how "shizu is raping hiiragi even tho hiiragi is struggling and even hitting him on his chest telling him to stop", which was absolutely out of context and fully wrong translation. In fact, hiiragi was saying, "dont ask for my permission every single time" while hitting on his chest. I understood that you guys are speading wrong translation because I'm studying japanese.
    I dont understand why do they keep doing that? Is it because other people in the fandom also acted the same with you guys? Is it a revenge? I fail to understand why can they analyze akihiko and haruki, l ue, mafuyu but side characters? I am reading given even tho it's not complete, because of shizuragi. Because i wanted to know more about them and i also wanted to witness mafuyu and given's journey as a band. And in that process, i also got interested in haru, uge and aku. And i actually tried to understand them. Please stop that.

    Zap July 17, 2021 6:54 am
    I'm not trying to attack you or anyone. But the akiharu fans(not all, I'm also a fan)who are mutuals on twitter, in their threads, they really try their best to understand aki and haru, but many a times what th... Ereka

    Firstly thank you, nd yeah some ppl from akiharu sides especially horny ones from twt said shizu is irredeemable, monster, raped hiiragi, gaslit, mansplain hiiragi...which rlly shocked me that's why i don't like some akiharu stans (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ they literally made him look like an assualtor which rlly pissed me off so much, i can understand their hate for uge but they started targeting shizu's too ヽ(`Д´)ノ

    Anchor July 17, 2021 6:58 am
    I'm not trying to attack you or anyone. But the akiharu fans(not all, I'm also a fan)who are mutuals on twitter, in their threads, they really try their best to understand aki and haru, but many a times what th... Ereka

    Idk where that's all coming from but people are entitled to their different opinions and takes right? I think it became toxic and got out of control because others invade their boundaries and resort to insults and personally attack the akiharu stans for every tweet they have. I read some of their threads and they have every right for their analysis, it's the qoute rts that's absolutely toxic. Why can't they just disagree respectfully, belittling them. Especially the syh group, they are getting too personal and harrass other real life people because they're overprotective of fictional characters. I admit that was wrong of me to give yuriisformen any attention to start with, it wasn't worth it.

    Ereka July 17, 2021 7:12 am
    Firstly thank you, nd yeah some ppl from akiharu sides especially horny ones from twt said shizu is irredeemable, monster, raped hiiragi, gaslit, mansplain hiiragi...which rlly shocked me that's why i don't lik... Zap

    Right!! Poor shizu. He deserves so much better. Why every single person calling him that has to be a akiharu fan? Really, a 17 year old minor is irredeemable? Does that make sense. The only thing he did was laughing. Is he not allowed to? That chapter focused a lot on hiiragi's wish to see shizu smile and shizu did because he got something he never thought he would and it was like outburst of his hidden feelings, and hiiragi was not traumatized but he was actually content in the end hugging shizu.

    Ereka July 17, 2021 7:28 am
    Idk where that's all coming from but people are entitled to their different opinions and takes right? I think it became toxic and got out of control because others invade their boundaries and resort to insults ... Anchor

    The way i see it, if someone only ever talks in a negative way about a certain character, then isn't it better to just ignore those characters or let them be. It can't be this way that you only talk bad about them just because you've the right to express your opinion, right? Instead of the attacks , they should either try to understand them or let them be right? I'm not even a twitter user, but i do know some accounts that post translation on the day the chapter comes out. So i just search "hiiragi and shizu" and that's what i get to see. I am not attaking akiharu side, just stating what I've been seeing for months.
    I dont know if there is a tension between akiharu and syh fans, but that shouldn't be an excuse for both sides to hate the characters, right?
    You might be following the akiharu stans, and see only that side, but i don't even use twitter, so i won't be biased. If the syh group does it, and get too personal and you don't like it then, you can just ignore them. You don't get to do the same to the characters they like right?
    I just want to know why both the sides act that way? You have your own mind,right? You can analyze a character on your own. Why hate the characters when they are written by the same person?

    Zap July 17, 2021 7:42 am
    Idk where that's all coming from but people are entitled to their different opinions and takes right? I think it became toxic and got out of control because others invade their boundaries and resort to insults ... Anchor

    Then it's right for us to give our own opinions nd if we did then why u always hate our opinions u can just ignore, it's not that much hard to do that, right? most of their threads r too toxic nd negative nd wrong too nd im also not twt user but i saw how they assumed that kizu made haruki depicting herself in him nd how akihiko is her dream man when kizu sensei never stated anything like's just too weird asf.....ugh... ( ̄へ ̄)

    ashitaka July 17, 2021 8:36 am
    It's better not to give them anymore attention, for sure they'll never stop complaining how dissapointed they are that their toxic ship lost. let's just spread more love and positivity comments to akiharu and h... Anchor

    Im not even shipping akiuge shipper lmao

    ashitaka July 17, 2021 8:40 am
    There was only one person slandering haruki and that was @yuriisformen. The other two don't even hate haruki. Just because that one person is an ugetsu fan and is hating on haruki just because she/he wanted aki... Ereka

    Just thank you !! I’m not hating haruki at all, I’m not a fan of his character yes but I never hate him
    You just say what I was thinking thanks again

    ashitaka July 17, 2021 8:49 am

    Hi Jodi !
    I don’t know you, you don’t know me ^^
    Report me because I have not the same opinion as you ? You know it kinda childish right ?
    Because you assume that I don’t like haruki when it’s not
    Just stop please ok

    jodi July 17, 2021 8:52 am
    Hi Jodi ! I don’t know you, you don’t know me ^^ Report me because I have not the same opinion as you ? You know it kinda childish right ? Because you assume that I don’t like haruki when it’s not Just ... ashitaka

    um I said report them if u wanna????

    ashitaka July 17, 2021 8:54 am
    um I said report them if u wanna???? jodi

    But that ridiculous and childish ? Just because I don’t like akiharu and because YOU think I don’t like haruki ? Pls you have to report many people then ….

    jodi July 17, 2021 9:46 am
    But that ridiculous and childish ? Just because I don’t like akiharu and because YOU think I don’t like haruki ? Pls you have to report many people then …. ashitaka

    getting worked up over smth like this too tho.. seems like im not the only childish one here.
    btw the 'many ppl' you refer to, ive looked thu the comments here and have seen less than 6 ppl saying that they dislike haruki . you could have just said 'oh I don't think that way abt haruki' or sm and I would have apologized like the way I did w the other person so seems like im not the only childish one here.

    jodi July 17, 2021 9:47 am
    getting worked up over smth like this too tho.. seems like im not the only childish one here.btw the 'many ppl' you refer to, ive looked thu the comments here and have seen less than 6 ppl saying that they disl... jodi

    er the last part repeated itself

    ashitaka July 17, 2021 10:15 am
    getting worked up over smth like this too tho.. seems like im not the only childish one here.btw the 'many ppl' you refer to, ive looked thu the comments here and have seen less than 6 ppl saying that they disl... jodi

    But that what I’ve said you assume thing I didn’t even say about haruki ? He is not my favourite character yep but I don’t hate him… you’re post is just useless

    Anchor July 17, 2021 10:16 am
    The way i see it, if someone only ever talks in a negative way about a certain character, then isn't it better to just ignore those characters or let them be. It can't be this way that you only talk bad about t... Ereka

    Let's agree, to disgaree. Any stans are allowed to speak their thoughts and opinion on a FICTIONAL. Negative comments are inevitable no matter what. as long as we're not harming or threatening real life people, what's wrong is you think drawings that have no emotions are more important than real living people.

    Kaline July 17, 2021 10:26 am
    It's better not to give them anymore attention, for sure they'll never stop complaining how dissapointed they are that their toxic ship lost. let's just spread more love and positivity comments to akiharu and h... Anchor

    « Not give them attention » it’s exactly what the 2 of you are doing right now and for you Jodi
    Just because they maybe don’t like akiharu you want to report them ? Really ?
    Zap and Ashitaka user never spread some hate toward Haruki never, but just because they don’t like your ship you want to report them ?
    So everyone have to like akihiko ? Haruki ? Akiharu ? Damn I didn’t know that
    « Akiharu is superior » not for everyone, and that’s ok

    Kaline July 17, 2021 10:27 am
    There was only one person slandering haruki and that was @yuriisformen. The other two don't even hate haruki. Just because that one person is an ugetsu fan and is hating on haruki just because she/he wanted aki... Ereka


    Miliana July 17, 2021 10:34 am

    What this shit is it ? Seriously omgggg OQ’SOQOLQLQ’ BRUH litteraly

    jodi July 17, 2021 10:39 am
    « Not give them attention » it’s exactly what the 2 of you are doing right now and for you Jodi Just because they maybe don’t like akiharu you want to report them ? Really ? Zap and Ashitaka user never ... Kaline

    it's just cause some ppl wanna know what went on. i never said i reported the guy all i said was they had an option to?? and i alrdy apologized to neither did I say everyone had to like them all I pointed out was that they didn't have to be toxic over it

    Kaline July 17, 2021 10:42 am

    And did you apologize to Ashitaka ? Hum ?

    Kaline July 17, 2021 10:43 am
    it's just cause some ppl wanna know what went on. i never said i reported the guy all i said was they had an option to?? and i alrdy apologized to neither did I say everyone had to like them all I point... jodi

    The two of them were not toxic
    No one want to know that pls it’s useless on mangago
    « An option » pls lmao it’s getting worst

    jodi July 17, 2021 10:46 am
    And did you apologize to Ashitaka ? Hum ? Kaline

    would've if theyd just stopped at the 'im not a fan of haruki, but i don't hate him'

    Miliana July 17, 2021 10:47 am
    would've if theyd just stopped at the 'im not a fan of haruki, but i don't hate him' jodi

    You’re childish dude

    jodi July 17, 2021 10:48 am
    The two of them were not toxic No one want to know that pls it’s useless on mangago « An option » pls lmao it’s getting worst Kaline

    'no one want to know ' when the person that commented right before was asking

    Miliana July 17, 2021 10:49 am
    would've if theyd just stopped at the 'im not a fan of haruki, but i don't hate him' jodi

    They said that ? And that you’re post we’re useless which is true
    Apologize or delete bc for being honest you’re embarrassing yourself

    Anchor July 17, 2021 10:51 am
    « Not give them attention » it’s exactly what the 2 of you are doing right now and for you Jodi Just because they maybe don’t like akiharu you want to report them ? Really ? Zap and Ashitaka user never ... Kaline

    Make sure to read my previous comment, I shouldn't have given that previous SINGLE negative comment, now the hate continues. I'm telling Jodi that we should ignore and stop because it isn't worth it and character slanders are inevitable to start with. but since you guys are still giving responses in this thread complaining so here we are.

    Also Akiharu may not be superior to you but it is superior in the canon story is what I meant

    Zap July 17, 2021 10:54 am
    Make sure to read my previous comment, I shouldn't have given that previous SINGLE negative comment, now the hate continues. I'm telling Jodi that we should ignore and stop because it isn't worth it and charac... Anchor

    Speak the one who literally slandered the depressed character...u should choose ur words wisely becoz u did the same thing abusing uge saying he was ugly or whatever....nd when we spoke u just said ignore yeah u should do that man....sigh im rlly fed up ヽ(`Д´)ノ,(╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    Anchor July 17, 2021 10:57 am
    Speak the one who literally slandered the depressed character...u should choose ur words wisely becoz u did the same thing abusing uge saying he was ugly or whatever....nd when we spoke u just said ignore yeah ... Zap

    Where did I exactly slander ugetsu for being depress? And where did I say he was ugly omg please stop making up stories

    Zap July 17, 2021 10:58 am
    Where did I exactly slander ugetsu for being depress? And where did I say he was ugly omg please stop making up stories Anchor

    U did it don't behave innocent, ugh i wont reply anymore u should just celebrate ur akiharu winning....

    jodi July 17, 2021 10:59 am
    They said that ? And that you’re post we’re useless which is true Apologize or delete bc for being honest you’re embarrassing yourself Miliana

    'I’m not hating haruki at all, I’m not a fan of his character yes but I never hate him' if you want it quoted directly.but pls. I don't feel embarrassed in the slightest way for telling ppl what's happening if they don't wanna scroll so much??

    jodi July 17, 2021 11:01 am
    They said that ? And that you’re post we’re useless which is true Apologize or delete bc for being honest you’re embarrassing yourself Miliana

    and pls explain ur second sentence 'you're post we're useless which is true' ?? unless you speak properly ur the one who'll be embarrassing urself

    Anchor July 17, 2021 11:06 am
    U did it don't behave innocent, ugh i wont reply anymore u should just celebrate ur akiharu winning.... Zap

    Show proof, link to where I said it. You clearly misinterpreted my phrasing.

    Kaline July 17, 2021 11:36 am
    and pls explain ur second sentence 'you're post we're useless which is true' ?? unless you speak properly ur the one who'll be embarrassing urself jodi

    And now you say something bc my English isn’t great, you’re horrible

    Kaline July 17, 2021 11:38 am

    Anchor Jodi you’re really something else

    Kaline July 17, 2021 11:40 am

    "your post is useless" which is true '

    Anchor July 17, 2021 11:42 am
    Anchor Jodi you’re really something else Kaline

    Yeah, right back at you

    jodi July 17, 2021 11:44 am
    And now you say something bc my English isn’t great, you’re horrible Kaline

    im asking you to explain

    Kaline July 17, 2021 11:45 am
    Yeah, right back at you Anchor

    I don’t think you’re realize that both of you are ridiculous and spread some hate you’re not more mature that the person who call haru ugly

    jodi July 17, 2021 11:47 am
    And now you say something bc my English isn’t great, you’re horrible Kaline

    yea you . the one that said it should better delete it from embarrassment. suresure im the horrible one right? you have no wrongdoings at all

    ashitaka July 17, 2021 11:48 am
    yea you . the one that said it should better delete it from embarrassment. suresure im the horrible one right? you have no wrongdoings at all jodi

    Hey I think you’ve done enough here for today okay ? Stop now

    jodi July 17, 2021 11:50 am
    I don’t think you’re realize that both of you are ridiculous and spread some hate you’re not more mature that the person who call haru ugly Kaline

    mhm seems like ure EXTREEMMMMEELLYYY mature. so much that you can't seem to handle me just letting pole know what's happening. if that's considered hate to you then too bad ig

    Anchor July 17, 2021 11:51 am
    I don’t think you’re realize that both of you are ridiculous and spread some hate you’re not more mature that the person who call haru ugly Kaline

    Read my previous replies. I admit I was wrong for giving it attention. the fact you're still here complaining shows your not mature yourself

    jodi July 17, 2021 11:51 am
    "your post is useless" which is true ' Kaline

    ah yes. for the all knowing kaline (who's english is just fantastic by the way) im sorry if this post did not inform you of the worldly affairs. i will try harder next time to please you.

    ashitaka July 17, 2021 11:52 am
    mhm seems like ure EXTREEMMMMEELLYYY mature. so much that you can't seem to handle me just letting pole know what's happening. if that's considered hate to you then too bad ig jodi

    … pls

    Anchor July 17, 2021 11:57 am
    ah yes. for the all knowing kaline (who's english is just fantastic by the way) im sorry if this post did not inform you of the worldly affairs. i will try harder next time to please you. jodi

    Yeah Jodi, everyone involve in this thread is childish and ridiculous. I think this needs to stop. I'm curious about why you love akiharu though. I'd love to hear your thoughts. Let's do that instead shall we?

    jodi July 17, 2021 12:36 pm
    Yeah Jodi, everyone involve in this thread is childish and ridiculous. I think this needs to stop. I'm curious about why you love akiharu though. I'd love to hear your thoughts. Let's do that instead shall we? Anchor


    Kaline July 17, 2021 12:39 pm
    ah yes. for the all knowing kaline (who's english is just fantastic by the way) im sorry if this post did not inform you of the worldly affairs. i will try harder next time to please you. jodi

    Being disrespectful toward my English wow

    Zap July 17, 2021 1:27 pm
    Being disrespectful toward my English wow Kaline

    Um..kaline nd miliana, thank you to both of u becoz i genuinely felt that i should offer my gratitude to both becoz u both didn't have any kind of involvement in this conflict but then also stood here for us so that's why ONCE AGAIN THANK YOU IT REALLY MEANS A LOT.....
    ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ hope to interact again in future.

    Ereka July 17, 2021 1:32 pm
    Let's agree, to disgaree. Any stans are allowed to speak their thoughts and opinion on a FICTIONAL. Negative comments are inevitable no matter what. as long as we're not harming or threatening real life people,... Anchor

    Woah!! "Any stans are allowed to speak their thoughts on fictional character" and there you go calling people who have different opinion "childish". If everyone's allowed to speak their thoughts, then why are you getting so worked up ehen people say they don't like akiharu. They aren't even spreading hate. Are you getting threatened because of their opinion? "Drawings that have no emotions" lmfao, then why are you giving more importance to the drawing called " haruki" if he has no emotion and getting threatened when they say they don't like your favourite character? After all you're also acting the same way as those akiharu stans that I've described. You're acting exactly opposite of what you keep saying. If only you hadn't paid attention to that one or two person talking bad about haruki. Aren't you the one who say "negative comments are inevitable". If you know this then why don't you just accept their opinion or ignore them.

    Anchor July 17, 2021 1:54 pm

    Didn't I just admit I reacted wrongly on that one post. I wasn't calling anyone names ,read the past comments and see who started throwing words of "childish" and "not mature" certainly not me. I'm already telling Jodi to stop, there's no use, it'll never end when both sides disagrees, but since the other fails to ignore this thread, continues to complain and fails to accept each other's views including you then ig no one is consider matured here

    Anchor July 17, 2021 2:01 pm
    Woah!! "Any stans are allowed to speak their thoughts on fictional character" and there you go calling people who have different opinion "childish". If everyone's allowed to speak their thoughts, then why are y... Ereka

    I keep repeating it was foolish of me to respond to yuriisformen, that I gave up and I'd proceed for a positive comment cleansing, I wasn't even talking about akiharu nor haruki anymore, but kaline just have to ridiculed me

    Zap July 17, 2021 2:01 pm
    Didn't I just admit I reacted wrongly on that one post. I wasn't calling anyone names ,read the past comments and see who started throwing words of "childish" and "not mature" certainly not me. I'm already tell... Anchor

    Ayo lets stop man okay ur right from ur side, we r right from ours, okay, its just our opinions don't match that's why the conflict let's end this already.

    Anchor July 17, 2021 2:06 pm
    Ayo lets stop man okay ur right from ur side, we r right from ours, okay, its just our opinions don't match that's why the conflict let's end this already. Zap

    That's what I'm saying. I wasn't even insulting anyone in the first place.

jodi June 30, 2021 1:06 am

we'll never see daikis nipples ╥﹏╥

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