1. this is completely unrelated to the story but does it bother anyone else when other readers still refer to jaehwan and sooyoung as ml and mc (this applies to other stories as well). like we're almost 3/4 of 100 chapters and you still don't know their names? idgi someone please explain it to me there's no word count for comments so is it bc of laziness or do ppl genuinely not remember?
2. i know this is going to sound bad but i kind of miss the way their noses used to be drawn. specifically whenever the character is close and their full face is in view. i feel like their noses from other angles hasn't changed much but i did notice this difference. and i honestly prefer the old style more bc their noses actually gave them more character and now it looks like the artist is trying to make them as tiny and unnoticeable as possible (again this is only referring to when a character is facing the reader from a close up perspective).
I don't really care about names tbh. I read multiple manhwas a day and to remember each name is impossible even with manhwas that i like. so i just don't bother anymore. If its some catchy one i might remember it for a bit, but with also reading fanfiction and books it doesnt happen so often xdd
but to explain why it may apply for others: its like when your friend invites you to a big party where everyone starts introducing themselves, name after name, and while you can name them for like 2 min, after some drinks and food, getting to know even more people, the first one starts to look like: you know they exist, know you talked but cant remember their name, however hard you try. You know it start with J, or sometimes even that is hard and it just doesn't ring a bell in your head. Change friends to manhwas and thats me 100%. Especially after months of waiting for new season
But basically bad name memory that applies in real life, may also apply here. Xdd
!! that actually makes a lot of sense, especially when you mentioned how it's been awhile since this story was last updated. also i've definitely done that at parties even when it's the most basic name like sara or something xd. i really appreciate your willingness to explain & patience with my comment as i was afraid it would make ppl upset bc of the wording TT
oooo that makes so much sense actually it can be hard to keep up with names if you're reading so many stories at once! i definitely cannot immediately remember characters names after not reading them for months and always have to go the extra mile to get them in my system again. i guess i sort of hold the opinion that knowing and remembering a characters name can make you feel more connected to a story, but i understand now that some people feel differently or are just bad with names irl too.
ngl i only read this bc chaon and sehan look like jaedo
From what manhwa
it's jaehyun and doyoung from nct
Dang! I was so seriously ready to search tho. HAHAHAHAHA
my bad