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Isabellaeve13's topics ( All 4 )

Isabellaeve13 October 8, 2020 12:42 am

I hate people like him who think that the elite are only for the elite and all that crap I mean really just because he was fine being an asshole stud horse doesn't mean shougo is. any parent that tries to control their children's love life have major issues. All the parent should care about is if their childs partner loves them and treats them well

Isabellaeve13 October 20, 2018 3:54 am

he is obviously the one plotting against the general princess and was upset when he realized rei would put a kink in his plans I can't wait to see how this turns out(≧∀≦)

Isabellaeve13's questions ( All 5 )

Isabellaeve13 April 22, 2018 3:09 pm

this girl makes calls her brother after leaving her school stuff with him but the jjang of his school picks up instead. she calls him a sea cucumber and he freaks then she calls him by name and he really flips his lid he takes his whole gang on their motorcycles and goes confront her which ends up with them going back and forth

Isabellaeve13 April 13, 2018 5:15 pm

this girl calls her sibling but the one who picks up is the jjang everyone fears she calls him a sea cucumber and hangs up he calls back she says his name and he gets ticked him and his friends ride their bikes to her school and she stands up to him can't remember much more

    KareBear1015 April 13, 2018 8:48 pm

    Not sure what it is, but it sounds like something by Hwang Mi-Ri. Her style is always kinda out there, but funny and heart-warming.

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