I hope both yuda and yohan survive this shitty game. They've been manipulated, brainwashed and programmed since their very young age. Yuda is not a villain here, he's also a victim. He's got himself a trauma too, remember that he's got panic attack when there's accident happened close by? I wish this is a happy ending story for them.

Ive got so much things to say
1. The king is far from handsome, his face..he look stupid? Yes, this word suits him best.
2. The king's bitch cant born a baby himself since he's a dude! is that why he want to get close to the prince and gonna make the prince as his child?? Gonna make a voodoo resembles him
3. There's A LOT of sweet moment for Ash and Mio that awake the butterflies in my stomach but whyyy they're just mutual. Like who the heck sleep in a room together watch the moon at the balcony went to a parade live as a husband and wife but didn't develop any feeling yet?? I SHIP THEM BOTH, AND IM GONNA PRAY FOR THE SHIP TO START SAILING (ಥ_ಥ)
What the actual f with that system? It ruins the whole mood lol